37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for January 1994, 632 total |
261284 Military C141 had near midair collision with VFR BF35 while on approach. See and avoi...
261293 Captain of an light transport cpr jet aircraft climbed in response to a TCASII RA whi...
261303 Multiple runway operation parallel runways sideby visual approach use air carrier X T...
261308 Dispatcher for a widebody transport air carrier aircraft inadvertently figured the fu...
261312 An air carrier widebody transport first officer reports that his aircraft reverted to...
261318 Flight crew of an small transport air carrier aircraft started an IFR approach outsid...
261320 Pilot of an small transport cpr jet elected to takeoff contrary to ATC clearance at a...
261326 During second student solo landing, the nose gear sheared and bent back under the sma...
261331 Controller observes traffic on radar that is in conflict with an air carrier arrival ...
261332 Small aircraft avoiding the class B airspace caused level off of jet on arrival.
261335 Air carrier captain misinterprets clearance, heading deviation.
261349 Small transport lands 35 ft to left of runway due to snow cover of area.
261354 MTR on a go around at satellite airport has an air carrier depart from airport and ta...
261363 An md-80 aircraft falls on jack in maintenance causing fuselage to be punctured.
261365 TCASII RA for 2 medium large transport aircraft, no evasive action as traffic in sigh...
261370 Altitude deviation altitude excursion in flight crew response to TCASII RA. Reporter ...
261371 Small aircraft has near midair collision with commuter aircraft.
261380 Small aircraft has problem with trim control causing altitude deviation.
261384 Air carrier flight crew given clearance to intercept KIMMO1 arrival pmd transition, o...
261388 An air carrier dc-9 responded to a TCASII RA and climbed without clearance. Traffic w...
261389 Air carrier medium large transport received a TCASII RA on an aircraft on visual appr...
261396 In flight WX encounter, disabled heater causes lack of vision to land. Aircraft slids...
261398 Cessna landing on runway 9L as PA-28 was turning off runway 27R. System error.
261400 Commuter overflies final approach course and has close proximity with medium large tr...
261404 An air carrier F-100 captain questions the legality of his takeoff in instrument WX.
261405 Student on a dual cross country lands on the wrong parallel runway.
261407 Controller claims that personnel cutbacks have decreased airway facilities staffing c...
261422 Flight crew of an medium large transport air carrier aircraft returned and landed sho...
261423 Captain of an light transport air carrier aircraft overshot final approach intercept ...
261428 First officer of an medium large transport air carrier aircraft copies the wrong SID ...
261434 Flight instructor returning from a local area training flight lost radio communicatio...
261441 An air carrier medium large transport descended through its assigned altitude.
261449 Flight crew of a dc-8 aircraft landed with an unsafe main gear light and horn after m...
261450 Pilot of an small aircraft sel private aircraft descended early during a VFR flight i...
261452 An air carrier medium large transport md-88 descended through its assigned altitude.
261453 Pilot instructor of an small transport twin engine aircraft had stuck microphone resu...
261459 Commuter air carrier at intersection of taxiway left and runway 16 took takeoff clear...
261467 Light transport departs more than 1 hour after release time. Against company rules.
261468 B-757 exceeded airspeed limitation below 10000 in order to rush medical help for a pa...
261469 Pilot of an small aircraft sel aircraft on an IFR flight plan, and at level cruising ...
261470 Pilot of an small aircraft single engine land private aircraft experienced wake turbu...
261471 Air carrier on SID misinterprets climb clearance and doesn't turn. Traffic opposite d...
261472 Controller complains about ASR-9 radar coverage problems on final approach.
261474 Reporter cites lack of treatment and plowing of the departure end of runway 27L at ph...
261475 Tower closed multiple runway operation intersecting runways aircraft Y aborted takeof...
261484 The oxygen masks involuntarily dropped for passenger use on 1 side of the cabin in an...
261487 Start taxi after wave off with headset operator still connected.
261488 Light transport makes ILS approach below minimums.
261489 Deadhdg cabin claims neck injury from landing.
261493 FAA inspector found a B-727 landing gear wing door open facing outboard during a post...
261496 Taxiing to gate aft cabin notified of smell of smoke, fire alarm in blue room activat...
261498 Air carrier X TCASII TA RA climb to occupied altitude had less than standard separati...
261510 Medium large transport blunders onto a weight restr taxiway and becomes stranded, una...
261513 Atx small aircraft encounters extreme turbulence and microburst on approach to land.
261514 While climbing toward 5000 ft, autoplt fails to keep aircraft climbing and it descend...
261515 Commuter aircraft has door handle caution light activate after takeoff.
261522 Unauthorized penetration of airspace. Proximity of positive control area, class a air...
261526 Altitude bust. Flight crew distraction.
261538 Potential conflict avoided by flight crew response to TCASII RA.
261539 Stretch 727 experiences in-flight engine shutdown for precautionary reasons.
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