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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 1997, 704 total |
381980 Pilot of an small aircraft sel penetrated class D airspace during departure from anot...
381986 Pilot of a civilian owned navy aircraft, factory model n3n3, tail dragger (see graphi...
381990 Flight crew of an A320 airbus changed frequency and started climbing to a higher alti...
381995 Near midair collision occurrence when captain of B727 climbs from 9000 ft while ignor...
381999 Private pilot of a C170A made a precautionary landing after noticing a decrease in en...
382000 Flight crew of a B737 failed to follow the assigned SID transition during climb due t...
382003 Near midair collision between an atx metropolitan ii, SA226, SW4, leveling off after ...
382005 ATCT local controller cleared an air carrier MD88 for takeoff on runway 14 and a BE35...
382006 Approach controller cleared a cpr N265 off dwh with a turn to 020 degree heading, air...
382010 Flight crew of a B767 failed to follow a change in a SID departure clearance due to f...
382011 A B737-200 was dispatched with the accessory drive case oil xfer tubes missing result...
382050 Flight crew of a brasilia embraer, EMB120, failed to take into consideration the actu...
382051 A PA34 in climb declared an emergency and diverted due to the left engine failure cau...
382060 Student pilot of a C152 made an unauthorized touch-and-go due to partial radio commun...
382062 Near midair collision between an small aircraft sel on left base for landing at an un...
382068 Reporter alleges that the controllers cannot see out of 8 of the 10 tower windows due...
382070 Captain of an mdt failed to level off at assigned approach altitude due to a late att...
382079 Near midair collision between an medium large transport on the river visual approach ...
382083 1 of 2 F16 pilots made an abrupt climb while on a short final for an fly-by due to a ...
382084 Pilot of a boeing biplane A75 stearman, landed at a closed airport and was found by a...
382090 An air carrier lands on runway 13R, a closed runway, after receiving clearance from t...
382100 Since approach control did not specify an intercept vector to final when flight crew ...
382105 Operational error less than standard separation near midair collision when an air car...
382109 Reported situation in which a cpr LR31 at 7000 ft is given climb clearance at about t...
382110 Flight crew of a dehavilland dash 8 forgot and used another company trip call sign wh...
382112 A PA28 while taxiing struck several construction barricades lining the taxiway.
382118 A B727-200 on leveloff FL350 declared an emergency and diverted due to loss of power ...
382119 Near midair collision between a C152 circling outside of class B airspace, waiting cl...
382120 Operational error less than standard separation between flight of 2 F16's and a commu...
382122 An air carrier BE02 flight crew reports on their encounter with freezing rain. They w...
382130 An air carrier large transport flight crew started a takeoff on runway 28 instead of ...
382132 Operational error less than standard separation when an aircraft entered the active r...
382135 A TRACON controller claims that several radar scopes went blank without any warning o...
382140 A C172 pilot has a radio failure shortly after takeoff and is unable to receive traff...
382147 Operational error less than standard separation between climbing air carrier DC10 and...
382150 An instructor and student on a night training flight lined up on the wrong airport. T...
382151 During commercial soft field landing and takeoff training, the propeller of a piper P...
382153 Concerned mechanics accomplishing stage 3 thrust reverser modifications for the mediu...
382157 Reported TCASII evasive action taken by a departing air carrier MD80 on a VFR piper a...
382190 A BE35 pilot took off with the wrong altimeter setting and then climbed above his ass...
382191 A320 aircraft had multiple flight management guidance computers (FMGC) freeze at lift...
382195 A departing B757 from clo, first officer refuses an assigned altitude for the initial...
382203 A B737-300 was dispatched with an interim repair made to the left main landing gear i...
382205 An small transport pilot experiences a loss of power on the left engine and decides t...
382210 A PA24 pilot lost radio contact when switching from approach control to tower and by ...
382217 Pilot of mooney 20J responds to lahso request from tower but is not heard due to bloc...
382220 Reporter alleges the temporary supervisor called an operational error on the reporter...
382226 Operational error less than standard separation between an air carrier MD80 stopped s...
382235 A320 aircraft in cruise had #1 engine interface unit fault. Though the fault should n...
382242 Operational error less than standard separation when an LR24 descends through the alt...
382247 Flight crew of B727 smell smoke in the cockpit just after takeoff. Emergency declared...
382248 An arriving air carrier FK10 at 11000 ft was issued a jump aircraft as traffic. The r...
382250 Pilot of PA30 begins turn in the shortest direction when issued a clearance to turn. ...
382254 Pilot and passenger in a C172 have an near midair collision with a PA28 on turning do...
382256 Pilot of commander 112 has engine roughness with partial power loss. Precautionary la...
382257 Pilot of small aircraft on training flight gets lost but continues flight until fuel ...
382260 Small aircraft pilot trying to depart non tower airport on IFR clearance has problem ...
382268 Instructor pilot checking out a new owner of lancair 235 is taxiing for takeoff when ...
382269 Flight crew of medium large transport on STAR is handed off from center to approach a...
382270 An small aircraft flying for instrument instruction assumes clearance to descend, and...
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