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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for April 1998, 696 total |
395715 Flight crew of a B737-200 diverted to land after cabin attendant reports injuries aft...
397679 An air carrier mechanic was assigned to terminal and line maintenance operations with...
398084 DC9 aircraft cleared for approach to runway 28L, PF, first officer tuned ILS frequenc...
398087 A C402 on landing rollout at low speed the aircraft experienced a runway excursion an...
398096 C172 pilot flies into IMC on a VFR flight plan. He receives a flight assist from ATC ...
398100 Pilot of air taxi piper cheyenne inadvertently lands on taxiway.
398101 Pilot of seneca departs prior to receiving IFR clearance and attempts to acquire it d...
398102 A center radar controller vectoring 2 aircraft in trail did not slow the second aircr...
398106 Flight crew of medium large transport complains of the STAR procedures at lax being c...
398212 Flight crew of mdt has in-flight lightning strike which damages the left winglet. Fli...
398213 TRACON approach controller concerned with primary and secondary 5 min terminal radar ...
398217 Flight crew of large transport cargo aircraft notes confusion between tower visibilit...
398220 Amphibious aircraft C206G with gear extended has aircraft veer to the left and stop t...
398224 MD88 in climb received TCASII RA on target at 12 O'clock which converged with reporte...
398228 CL6013A aircraft in climb to 10000 ft encountered clear air turbulence just prior to ...
398230 B737-300 aircraft turning in for final approach overshot centerline of assigned runwa...
398320 An air carrier MD80 flight crew requested that the speed restr be removed at karla. T...
398323 An air carrier FK10 first officer discovered that the radome hatch was improperly ins...
398325 Flight crew of F100 initially refused turn instructions due to WX.
398327 A fokker 100 aircraft loses much of its autoflt system shortly after liftoff from dtw...
398331 Apparent loss of separation between reporter's medium large transport climbing throug...
398332 Light transport aircraft climbing to FL210 had TCASII RA. Controller told flight crew...
398340 An air carrier A300 freighter flight crew suffers a stuck microphone and loses radio ...
398341 A fokker 100 in cruise at FL350 made an emergency descent due to loss of cabin pressu...
398343 B737-200 aircraft encountered severe turbulence in cruise and was unable to contact c...
398345 A center radar controller descended a cga CL60 aircraft to an occupied altitude resul...
398353 A center controller is assigned to work a data position standing up. No chairs were a...
398354 An air carrier flight crew in an mdt reports an near midair collision with a lear jet...
398359 ARTS ii radar equipment became unusable for approximately 15 mins before it was repai...
398367 An medium large transport commercial fixed wing aircraft struck a catering truck whil...
398370 Approach controller at flo experienced equipment failure and lost all communication c...
398416 A departing twin engine cargo plane was unable to maintain altitude and continued to ...
398420 DC9 aircraft in descent had TCASII on another aircraft. ARTCC radar controller interv...
398427 A B737 flight crew report on the problem associated with trying to identify the IAF f...
398430 A DC9 incurred a delay caused by a cockpit jump seat harness lap belt found to be too...
398438 Reported radio failure alleged to have been caused by a short at the position.
398440 A B737-300 first officer descends below the recommended altitude for a noise abatemen...
398442 A B737-400 flight diverts to bermuda after shutting down #1 engine due to oil loss. F...
398443 Medium large transport aircraft with taxi clearance to a runway was given a sudden st...
398460 A student pilot in a C172 takes off from craig municipal airport without clearance. H...
398461 Apparent uncoord air carrier DC10 route change penetration of adjacent sector's airsp...
398494 A DC8 freighter makes a hard landing at gye, first officer. First officer says nothin...
398497 A B757-200 struck a jetway while being guided on to a gate incurring damage to the le...
398500 A B757-232 aircraft had to take evasive action when on approach due to C425 lined up ...
398509 A BA3100 on landing rollout declared an emergency and evacuate/evacuationed the aircr...
398510 Reported near miss between rptrs' DC9 on go around from approach to runway 22 and an ...
398519 An arrival air carrier medium large transport hits its wingtip on a catering truck pa...
398520 A B737-300 on initial climb at 500 ft declared an emergency and diverted because they...
398521 A PA28 communication pilot attempts to fly into known icing conditions during his des...
398526 ATCT local controller reports continuing problem with student pilots who don't monito...
398527 A C152 pilot flies into freezing rain when all he expected was rain with a continuous...
398530 A B737-200 flight crew leaves their last assigned altitude for a newly assigned altit...
398532 A C340 in cruise at FL210 experienced a frozen elevator trim control caused by the in...
398533 C182 entered an adjacent facility's airspace without coordination or handoff after re...
398537 Instructor pilot in a C182 giving a flight review has a throttle cable break and spri...
398539 A DC9 suffers a flight delay when the aircraft's fuel shutoff cable fails to operate ...
398540 An A320 leaves a diversion station with the passenger emergency medical kit not refre...
398550 A B767-200 climbs 900 ft above assigned altitude when flight is given a speed restr w...
398600 A B767-200 PIC report questions if there is any requirement for the ILS critical area...
398610 A B737-300 was dispatched with #2 fuel quantity inoperative and deferred per the MEL ...
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