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ASRS Reports for January 2005, 245 total |
644932 Sav controller expressed concern regarding primary ASR-8 radar returns.
644939 An A300-600 on gear retraction a shudder was felt through the airframe and control yo...
644941 MD80 flight crew on initial approach starts descent after receiving what they believe...
644954 A B737-700 being towed to the hangar line struck an improperly parked B737-200 incurr...
644981 Flight crw of B737-300 have track deviation on maxxo SID from phx.
644982 B737 flight crew cored for takeoff on runway 6R at cle observed aircraft passing over...
645006 Flight crew of B757-200 experience flap slat control unit failure on descent for land...
645025 A B737-300 in climb at FL283 noted cabin rate of climb at 1000 FPM. Made rapid descen...
645033 A B747-400 captain reports on base leg; got a fwd cargo fire warning EICAS and bell. ...
645035 An air carrier pilot reports the phl runway 35 VASI is inoperative.
645037 A crj-200 aborted takeoff after vr when control column would not move aft and aircraf...
645040 A B757-200 on approach has call from cabin attendant reporting a strange odor in the ...
645042 A CRJ700 on takeoff climb at 1000 ft was unable to select flaps to the up position. S...
645045 N90 controller experienced conflict at 7000 ft when aircraft descended to other than ...
645077 Carj pilot attributes sharp jolt to wake turbulence from crossing traffic in drvsm ai...
645080 Flight crew of CL60 fail to get nose gear green light on arrival. Perform go around a...
645116 Flight crew of MD80 experience nose gear fail to retract on takeoff. Returned to depa...
645134 B757-200 flight crew encounter apparent fuel leak in left wing tank. Declare emergenc...
645137 Sfo controller expressed concern regarding an overtake situation involving a non heav...
645140 An A320 return land following a 'vent skin valve fault' ECAM annunciation during take...
645141 Flight crew of B767-300 experience uncommanded leading edge flap deployment en route....
645180 An escape slide shop technician reports receiving 2 MD80 slides still in the armed co...
645182 An MD80 with an autoplt report was cleared with self test and dispatched in autoland ...
645185 A B737-300 engineering change order to wire a shunt to the left egt circuit at the en...
645186 ZID controller experienced operational error at FL230 with climbing and descending ai...
645209 A crj-700 in climb at FL230 with autoplt engaged roll to left and then corrected. Pas...
645260 A PA23-250 on final approach and landing had 3 green landing gear indications. On rol...
645261 A B737-300 had a door mounted escape slide installed at door 2R. At a later 'a' check...
645263 A B757-200 during a heavy check the trailing edge flaps were extended with a drive un...
645270 Pilot of C172 encounters turbulent air during approach to uncharted airport 10 southw...
645280 A B737-200 #2 engine pneumatic pre-cooler valve was replaced and prior to engine run ...
645289 Pilot of C172 encounters turbulent air after takeoff from uncharted airport southwest...
645323 Cvg controller chronicles near separation loss with departure aircraft at 6000 ft.
645331 A B767 was dispatched with B757-200 software loaded in both EICAS computers. Situatio...
645355 Due to a plane change requiring different equipment from a B737-800 to a B757-200; a ...
645415 L30 departure controller expressed concerns with existing tower departure separation ...
645465 On start of takeoff roll; LJ25 suddenly veers left and exits runway surface.
645472 Cabin attendant aboard MD80 reports smoke from oven in galley. Flight crew elect to r...
645512 Flight crew of B737-400 encounter pitot static errors in altimetry which result in al...
645518 A B737-300 may have been returned to service with the stabilizer trim cables tensione...
645519 LR60 departure from vny experienced conflict with unknown traffic after apparent conf...
645520 First officer of DH8 feels workload became overwhelming during flight to fca with ino...
645527 A medium large transport pilot notes deteriorated airport environment and runway cond...
645533 First officer of DH8 feels workload became overwhelming during flight to sjc with ino...
645537 C560 experienced near midair collision on short final to oak with unrpted GA aircraft...
645541 Flight crew of CRJ200 encounters out of trim condition on takeoff when aft pit baggag...
645543 A medium large transport PIC reports the ptya runway end identifier lights; runway re...
645557 A medium large transport PIC notes deteriorated conditions at pohnpei; micronesia; ai...
645567 A C172 conducting an approach to lse received a false localizer signal.
645569 A DC9-30 incurred a dent in the aircraft static port area (critical rvsm area) due to...
645577 A DC9-50 APU previously deferred as inoperative was removed from the deferred item li...
645583 A B757-200 was dispatched with deferred non airworthy fuselage skin scratches near th...
645589 BE35 pilot is shocked to discover his aircraft has climbed from 7500 ft to approximat...
645603 A beech 200 on takeoff climb at 1500 ft when the autoplt was engaged; got a trim fail...
645610 A PA28 pilot with an unreliable VOR and a handheld GPS was IMC while VFR. He declared...
645622 An S340 approaching dtw runway 21L was illuminated by a red laser light at 2100 ft; 5...
645654 A B737 captain landing at lga expressed concern regarding controller's runway exit in...
645655 WW24 flight crew at 3000 ft with sct; experienced TCASII RA during visual approach ve...
645667 A B737-800 right engine inlet cowling damage was evaluated by a contract technician u...
645674 A B767-300 right nose tire and wheel assembly was replaced but the wheel spacer was o...