145926   Carburetor failure leads to forced landing for antique biplane.
145927   GA small aircraft experiences malfunctioning altitude encoder on transponder, gets qu...
145932   Small aircraft unauthorized penetration of R2533.
145933   Atx pilot on FAA part 135 check ride descends on approach without clearance.
145934   Standard separation was not maintained between 2 aircraft under the control of ATC co...
145947   Air carrier medium large transport encounters severe turbulence in thunderstorm, resu...
145948   Agricultural spray plane encounters low level wind shear when beginning spray run, st...
145949   Air carrier mlt altitude overshoots in descenton malay 1 STAR to sea.
145953   Air carrier large transport altitude overshoots in climb.
145958   Air carrier medium large transport altitude undershot in descent, crossing restrictio...
145964   Rear cabin door of small transport cargo flight came open in flight at approximately ...
145966   Near midair collision between 2 small aircraft's at ccr.
145967   Airborne conflict between 2 light aircraft conducting approachs to saf.
145969   Confusion between tower and flight crew at dtw about which runway to use for takeoff.
145972   GA small aircraft on IFR training flight unable to track oak VOR correctly when on VO...
145975   Reporter required to legally fly more than 30 hours in 7 days.
145977   While being vectored for an ILS to mdw, a corp turboprop small transport encounters V...
145980   Helicopter rotor downwash causes problem for parked light aircraft at iza.
145985   Near midair collision between corp small transport X and small aircraft Y at det.
145986   Air carrier medium large transport encounters turbulence and updraft in cruise. 300' ...
145988   Airborne conflict at uncontrolled airport.
145990   Air carrier medium large transport on short final at dfw feels too close to landing t...
145994   Small aircraft flight over built up area below 1000' AGL.
146005   Commuter overshoots assigned altitude in descent in hi.
146007   Air carrier medium large transport cleared into warning area unable to depart on vect...
146017   Licensed student and instructor misunderstand ATC instructions and penetrate sfo TCA.
146020   Flight crew of medium large transport in cruise tuned in cjs instead of elp for J2 ra...
146024   Less than standard separation occurred between 2 aircraft under the control of ATC co...
146033   Experienced seaplane pilot has near midair collision with helicopter, damages aircraf...
146037   Air carrier medium large transport initiates a go around breaking out of clouds at gs...
146045   International air carrier first officer complains of phraseology and communication pr...
146050   Near midair collision between 2 commuter aircraft of the same company at mci.
146051   Air carrier medium large transport tunes ILS for wrong runway.
146054   Altitude deviation.
146056   Near midair collision between commuter and military helicopter at dca.
146059   Commuter small transport lands long without permission at hnl, then fails to clear ru...
146060   Air carrier large transport flight crew mismanages fuel system during boost pump prob...
146068   Near midair collision between 2 commuter aircraft.
146072   Near midair collision at cys.
146074   Military pilot took descent clearance of another aircraft which resulted in less than...
146076   Air carrier heavy transport continues to gate after landing despite loss of hydraulic...
146077   Failure to complete before takeoff checklist and poor flight crew coordination compou...
146078   GA small aircraft failed to see an air carrier light transport on short final and tax...
146083   Small transport X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error.
146084   Commuter small transport start of unauthorized takeoff. Tower intervened and flight c...
146092   Flight crew of large transport taxiing on taxiway F at lga were unable to see the hol...
146094   Flight crew of commuter small transport noticed low oil pressure indication during cl...
146098   Air carrier medium large transport controlled flight toward terrain following ATC alt...
146104   Altitude deviation.
146107   GA small aircraft wrong runway approach landing causes GA light transport go around.
146110   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of airspace.
146111   GA small transport unauthorized taxi runway crossing.
146117   Air carrier medium large transport landed with tail wind 2 KTS over maximum allowable...
146121   Air carrier large transport track heading deviation trying to fly direct to STAR inte...
146122   Air carrier medium large transport track heading deviation on SID from ccr.
146123   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of airspace.
146125   Air carrier heavy transport track heading deviation during climb out from dsm.
146128   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration on olm air traffic area.
146131   Small transport pilot continued ASR approach to uncontrolled airport opposite establi...
146132   Commuter flight crew descends 1500' below assigned altitude.