37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 1992, 755 total |
203417 Air carrier large transport performs go around after experiencing difficulty in keepi...
203591 Cargo large transport taxis onto closed runway. Attempts to exit, main gear rolls int...
203592 Altitude deviation altitude overshot as widebody transport encounters wind shear and ...
203593 Private pilot training flight encounters IMC WX. Flight assist by center controller.
203596 Air carrier thinks cleared to altitude which is the missed approach altitude, while b...
203600 Cargo flight has crew personality problem. At one point, no one at flight controls.
203604 Light transport has TCASII RA to climb.
203606 Similar sounding a/north leads to confusion at the runway entry area. Answer to wrong...
203607 Small aircraft X had possible near midair collision with small aircraft Y. See and av...
203672 In flight encounter in flight icing distraction to pilot causes heading track deviati...
203674 Radio equipment problem causes loss of radio contact.
203676 Flight continuation after automatic deployment of passenger oxygen masks due to loss ...
203725 Near midair collision.
203730 Air carrier Y had less than standard separation from air carrier X. System error.
203733 Aircraft equipment design not compatible with aircraft installation procedure.
203738 Small aircraft becomes disoriented and enters then exits TCA.
203742 Hot air balloon dscnds close proximity of rooftops on approach landing. Observer dist...
203861 Light transport taxis beyond hold line where cleared due to unusual placement and not...
203998 Small aircraft encounters ice on descent. Unable maintain altitude. Controller declar...
204003 Potential conflict alerted to flight crew by TCASII TA.
204004 Near midair collision.
204005 Air carrier widebody transport aircraft climbed in thunderstorm WX during departure a...
204008 Air carrier flight crew takes evasive action on a visual approach to avoid another ai...
204010 Takeoff aborted. Takeoff delayed.
204272 Flight crew not legal for next trip under far 135 pt 265 ordered to do so at risk of ...
204687 An early missed approach procedure is executed by air carrier X captain account in cl...
204997 Small transport encounters IMC has radar assist to land.
204998 Instrument allowed spi to fly without current endorsement.
205136 Flight crew of air carrier light transport aircraft descended prematurely during the ...
205139 Air carrier medium large transport aircraft was landed with a cabin service cart not ...
205140 Air carrier light transport aircraft struck a service truck during taxi to gate parki...
205689 Delayed pointout after uncoordinated penetration of airspace.
206652 Fuel exhaustion creates an emergency forced landing off the runway airport. Landing o...
207142 Captain of medium large transport air carrier aircraft responded to a TCASII RA and c...
209032 Small aircraft taxies to military restr area.
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