37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 1992, 755 total |
202132 Small aircraft pilot touches down gear up, makes a go around, lands.
202135 Small aircraft has loss of oil pressure. Emergency landing.
202136 Lack of alerting standby emergency services of aircraft equipment malfunction during ...
202137 Small transport pilot makes approach to airport when limits were below that authorize...
202138 Potential conflict and possible cftt in an altitude deviation.
202142 Air carrier X unauthorized runway crossing.
202146 Possible near midair collision or potential conflict less than standard separation du...
202153 Altitude deviation altitude overshot in climb produces an near midair collision.
202154 Pilot deviation in a non adherence to ATC instruction in not holding short of taxiway...
202159 Flight crew deviation in making IAP ILS approach CAT I during CAT ii airport WX mins.
202178 Potential conflict with 2 departure opposite direction aircraft in a single runway op...
202184 Air carrier medium large transport departure airport with inaccurate weight and balan...
202194 Low altitude civil flight chased or observed by rotary winged traffic as suspect in d...
202195 NAVAID problem instigates a heading track deviation for a cpr jet.
202203 Altitude deviation altitude excursion from assigned altitude.
202206 Recurrency training flight, aerobatic aircraft. Inadvertently set parking brake while...
202207 Airport problem runway hold lines not visible from the tower.
202211 Small aircraft pilot accused of being within TCA. Given vector to exit.
202214 Crash landing after takeoff.
202216 Low fuel state declared to approach controller for special handling in poor terminal ...
202217 Air carrier X uncoord penetration of airspace. Operational deviation. Lack of ARTCC A...
202218 Controller called small aircraft X by wrong call sign possible less than standard sep...
202233 Flight crew procedure deviation in failing to give the final landing signal to cabin ...
202237 Emergency declared and diversion to altitude airport after loss of cabin pressure. Ai...
202238 Air carrier medium large transport fails to initiate descent when commanded by iah ap...
202239 Air carrier Y had less than standard separation from aircraft Z. System error.
202243 Food truck crossed directly in front of moving aircraft.
202248 Medium large transport displaces nose from centerline to avoid object on runway.
202249 Small transport experiences extreme downdraft, unable hold altitude. Also has some ic...
202250 Commuter has engine failure. Shut down, return, land.
202254 A and P (airframe and power plant) mechanic for air carrier fails to correctly sign o...
202255 Flight crew of air carrier medium large transport experienced a possible false GPWS a...
202260 Air carrier approaching with 300 ft overcast at pt 8 mi from threshold, tower clears ...
202265 Runway incursion, unauthorized uncoord runway entry crossing.
202267 Air carrier hears small aircraft pilot complain of climb too close, even though visua...
202269 Atx pilot on frt flight experiences stuck microphone.
202272 Runway incursion.
202273 Air carrier on ILS approach receives no handoff from approach controller. Fails to co...
202278 Air carrier advtech large transport on frt operation makes incorrect taxi at oma, suf...
202283 Near midair collision between 2 smas at lit.
202297 Passenger onboard commuter discovers inability to open oxygen mask plastic container.
202301 Air carrier X using TCASII TA for visual separation during visual approach operation.
202302 Air carrier PIC cites ATC procedures as being detrimental to proper clearing of runwa...
202303 Air ambulance flight crew reverses heading and altitude numbers assigned. Heading dev...
202308 Air carrier makes CAT ii approach. After landing dispatch says approach not authorize...
202312 Controller expects commuter to fly different route than current center stored route.
202315 Air carrier takes abrupt evasive action dive to avoid midair with small aircraft just...
202317 Multiple runway operation parallel runway approachs air carrier X TCASII RA abandoned...
202321 Air carrier called by controller as climbing to altitude thought assigned. Controller...
202322 Air carrier X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error. Air...
202324 Air carrier tuned to and aligned with wrong (parallel) ILS.
202327 Small aircraft passed through TCA corridor and an arsa. Requested to contact approach...
202328 Commuter aircraft land without clearance. Unauthorized landing.
202333 Commuter flight descends below DH instead of doing map. Low fuel condition.
202334 Small aircraft pilot has right main gear collapse on after landing roll out.
202336 Foreign flag carrier air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance (failed to clear ru...
202337 Small aircraft on instrument training flight encounters icing. Attempts higher, more ...
202340 Air carrier landing without clearance. Unauthorized landing.
202348 Air carrier started takeoff roll without clearance.
202350 Government flight crew files duat flight plan with wrong identify station. Starts fli...
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