37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 1992, 755 total |
201183 Abnormal gear warning horn activation when gear handle placed in up position. Normal ...
201185 Small aircraft's landing gear collapses upon touchdown on runway after primary electr...
201189 Altitude deviation altitude excursion.
201193 Small aircraft takeoff on closed runway.
201204 Altitude deviation altitude excursion in an evasive action climb in pilot response to...
201218 Aircraft equipment operating procedure in question as related to FARS and the MEL req...
201226 Lost communication procedure followed after loss of primary electrical supply in smal...
201227 Flight assist received by small aircraft pilot as in-flight engine shutdown executed....
201238 An apparent aircraft equipment problem is pointed out to reporter. The potable water ...
201246 Unauthorized penetration of airspace. Proximity of arsa.
201249 Flight crew of medium large transport departing bwi made turn at 300 per SID. Flight ...
201251 Landing performed on taxiway by private small aircraft pilot.
201258 Air carrier X uncoord unauthorized entry. Operational deviation. Facility procedure c...
201259 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance unauthorized uncoord penetration of airs...
201262 Air carrier X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error.
201264 PIC of air carrier medium large transport fails to adhere to TCASII RA command when i...
201270 Speed deviation on approach procedure.
201284 A standard in-flight encounter with icing is used by reporter to complain about the '...
201290 Air carrier medium large transport captain's report about aircraft deice problems and...
201307 Low time GA pilot lands at fpr without contacting fpr tower, thinking that the airpor...
201309 Small aircraft X unauthorized landing on closed runway. Pilot deviation multiple runw...
201313 Small aircraft practicing touch and goes, returns home base lands gear up.
201314 Air carrier X had near midair collision with small aircraft. See and avoid concept.
201317 Air carrier on ferry flight told clearance delivery does not have flight plan and to ...
201318 Controller descended an air carrier through an occupied altitude resulting in less th...
201319 Air carrier X climb to occupied altitude had less than standard separation from cpr Y...
201329 Air carrier X TCASII RA evasive action taken climb from assigned altitude. Nonadheren...
201331 Track deviation for flight crew first officer advtech light transport corporate aircr...
201332 Air carrier medium large transport flight crew apparently departs without receiving I...
201333 Air carrier X TCASII TA RA evasive action taken descent and turn non adherence to ATC...
201365 Corp aircraft taxis onto runway to go to active without clearance.
201368 Small aircraft X far violation squawked unauthorized transponder code.
201369 Non IFR rated commercial pilot files IFR in a sales oriented ferry flight.
201371 Air carrier medium large transport entered the wrong taxiway after landing at btr. Ha...
201378 Air carrier widebody transport flight crew forced to taxi-in with passenger in lavato...
201379 Light transport misses hold short portion of taxi clearance. Forces go around of seco...
201382 Air carrier medium large transport experiences altitude overshoot on climb and minor ...
201383 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance TCASII TA RA unauthorized climb evasive ...
201384 Small aircraft lands gear up after loss of electrical power prevents normal gear exte...
201389 Air carrier X TCASII TA had near midair collision with commuter Y. Visual approach ev...
201399 Air carrier started to cross runway without clearance. Unauthorized runway entry.
201401 Controller cleared air carrier X for visual approach when airport IFR. System error. ...
201403 Landing without clearance by air carrier. Unauthorized landing.
201404 Air carrier X uncoord penetration of airspace. Operational deviation.
201406 Broken crankshaft on small aircraft in cruise on IFR plan results in dead stick landi...
201408 Flight crew of cpr advtech medium large transport experiences language barrier diffic...
201409 Air carrier medium large transport experiences pitchup due to autoplt malfunction.
201415 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance failed to meet altitude crossing restric...
201422 Near midair collision between air carrier medium large transport and small aircraft i...
201432 Small aircraft X aircraft equipment problem electrical caused communication navigatio...
201433 Reporter's departure traffic aircraft was threat idented by arrival traffic aircraft ...
201437 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance made uncoord airspace penetration. Pilot...
201440 Air carrier on takeoff has loss of control on ice. Snow covered runway. Aborts, stops...
201444 Flight crew of medium large transport departing mexico city correctly read back clear...
201445 Nose gear 'unsafe' light for air carrier medium large transport landing dtw.
201449 Small aircraft Y non adherence to ATC clearance had near midair collision with air ca...
201456 Radar equipment problem radar tracking problem coasting non detection of aircraft by ...
201457 Emergency return land on air carrier large transport when aircraft equipment problem ...
201464 Large transport lands with right main gear retracted.
201468 Air carrier X TCASII TA with VFR aircraft Y evasive action taken descent from assigne...
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