37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 1994, 550 total |
266527 Private pilot of an small aircraft sel aircraft operated below minimum re- acquired a...
266530 Commuter flight crew removes themselves from flying status due to work schedule and r...
266532 An air carrier medium large transport climbed in response to a TCASII alert.
266536 Minor traffic conflict for air carrier conducting a missed approach at lax in IMC.
266537 A lear 25 may have violated the ADIZ near mia.
266539 Deviation from MEL requirements.
266541 An instructor pilot reports that 1 of his students wrecked her aircraft on her first ...
266562 An md-11 crew had problems with its speed control after takeoff.
266563 An air carrier medium large transport may have climbed through its assigned altitude,...
266573 Speed deviation due to clearance confusion.
266574 Airport taxiway runway signage creates possible runway incursion.
266575 Possible penetration of class C airspace without contact.
266582 An air carrier DC9-10 wingtip hit a parked fuel truck. Ramp operation aircraft parkin...
266585 Atx cessna twin departing grb in IMC encounters ice, climbs to the clear without a cl...
266586 An air carrier B-727 climbed in response to a TCASII alert to avoid a dc-3
266587 Air carrier landing at mco encounters low visibility conditions, lands at lowest allo...
266589 3 plane aerobatic team accused of conducting aerobatics at 55J without FAA approval.
266590 Air carrier departs ewr with undetected damage to tail of aircraft.
266595 An airborne conflict of a minor nature between 2 air carrier aircraft at cle.
266600 Mdt flight crew responds to wrong call sign. Heading deviation, altitude deviation.
266602 An A-320 lost its brake accumulator pressure during pushback.
266603 Departing helicopter does not comply with tower instructions.
266604 Large transport has TCASII alert due overshoot of second aircraft to final.
266605 ATC equipment problem radar power source.
266608 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance unauthorized speed reduction.
266616 Medium large transport has near midair collision with aircraft departing VFR.
266620 Air carrier X TCASII RA with Y on parallel runway made missed approach. Non adherence...
266621 Medium large transport misses crossing restr, has fuel pump problem.
266622 Flight crew technique preflight procedure questioned by aci during ramp check.
266626 Aircraft equipment operating procedure regarding TCASII on departure traffic situatio...
266628 Potential conflict after altitude deviation altitude undershot. CFIT.
266634 Small aircraft X had near midair collision with atx Y in air traffic area. Evasive ac...
266643 Mechanics report on improperly operating calibrator used in scheduled maintenance act...
266646 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC instruction pushed back from gate without clearanc...
266649 Air carrier X TCASII RA had less than standard separation from aircraft Y. System err...
266652 Gear up landing.
266653 Small aircraft in low altitude civil operation hits obstruction unmarked power line. ...
266654 Potential conflict during SID departure procedure. Terminal area WX. Thunderstorm act...
266655 Near midair collision on final approach between rotary winged traffic and a mooney.
266656 Runway excursion.
266661 Altitude crossing restr not met on IAP ILS approach.
266662 Altitude bust.
266668 In-flight engine shutdown after 2:30 hours of monitored oil loss. Flight crew continu...
266669 Flight crew of an light transport air carrier aircraft inadvertently entered a prohib...
266685 Flight crew of an medium large transport aircraft stopped their descent in response t...
266686 Air carrier medium large transport departing jan experiences a minor engine problem a...
266690 An medium large transport air carrier aircraft was operated when one passenger seat b...
266693 An air carrier pilot found that he was flying without his pilot certificate.
266694 A civilian flying a piper PA-20 pacer had an near midair collision with 2 ok air nati...
266696 An small aircraft photo pilot flew well above his aircraft's service ceiling into the...
266704 An small aircraft pilot had trouble entering nqx airspace.
266705 An small aircraft pilot followed a faulty GS signal until ATC gave him a low altitude...
266713 A piper arrow pilot landed on the wrong runway. Wrong runway approach landing.
266717 Air carrier X refused approach clearance because of TCASII interpretation. Possible e...
266719 An small transport frtr left its assigned altitude without clearance.
266720 An air carrier B-737 used its TCASII to avoid a dhc-8.
266722 Medium large transport experiences clearance confusion, has TCASII alert of traffic s...
266726 A cpr small transport hit a taxiway sign.
266727 A flight instructor entered restr airspace.
266731 Medium large transport flight crew descends to wrong altitude.
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