37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 1994, 625 total |
278755 A departure controller missed the wrong altitude on air carrier readback.
278762 An oil leak caused an engine shutdown.
278764 An air carrier light transport departed with insufficient fuel.
278766 An air carrier medium large transport ingested a magpie.
278778 Stick shaker activation on md-11 during level off and in a 25 degree bank during rada...
278785 Air carrier had TCASII RA on descent.
278788 Air carrier Y descent through occupied altitude had less than standard separation fro...
278790 Stabilator hit runway light.
278791 Altitude crossing restr not met.
278800 Air carrier X had conflict with aircraft off multiple runway operation parallel runwa...
278801 Landing gear indicated up while landing gear handle and vibration and lack of perform...
278802 ATC equipment problem communication instructor controller unable to override trainee.
278803 Small aircraft on landing roll has loss of aircraft control. Hits runway light.
278804 Captain of medium large transport secured a passenger seat tray table with tape due t...
278811 TCASII TA.
278813 Air carrier X near midair collision less than standard separation from Y. System erro...
278818 Flight crew incapacitation during descent.
278831 Instructor with spi practicing soft field takeoff drifts off center.
278833 Air carrier X had conflict with Y on final approach and made go around. See and avoid...
278834 On quick turn around amended release is not received in the cockpit.
278853 On departure flight crew lost communication, lost standard separation, IMC, used 121 ...
278863 TCASII RA.
278864 An air carrier medium large transport made an overweight landing.
278866 Takeoff warning sounded on power application. Tower stated aircraft should not take r...
278873 Flight crew lost air to ground communication.
278877 An EMS helicopter may have entered class 'C' without establishing radio contact.
279001 Light transport on approach has near midair collision with small aircraft.
279003 Homebuilt aircraft has radio failure, enters class C airspace without contact.
279004 Reverser scrape.
279008 Widebody transport aircraft has cargo door problem at foreign airport. Local maintena...
279011 Medium large transport has hydraulic quantity warning light activate.
279014 Medium large transport departs with 1000 pounds extra fuel. Forces overweight landing...
279018 Widebody transport has tail strike on takeoff.
279025 Medium large transport has TCASII RA on departure. No TA issued.
279029 Instructor and student went buzzing.
279030 Air carrier medium large transport crew missed a crossing restr.
279035 An small aircraft pilot handed over his navigation chores to a fatigued pilot.
279074 Air carrier X descent to occupied altitude had less than standard separation from air...
279076 Reporter entered park area below recommended altitude of 2000 ft and was so low that ...
279078 Low altitude traffic pattern correction.
279079 Air carrier X had less than standard separation from small transport Y landing on int...
279080 Air carrier cleared for visual not to pass adjacent air carrier but unable to stay be...
279084 ATC equipment problem radar ARTS iia accepts radar handoff without controller awarene...
279086 On landing the reporter lost control of the aircraft and ran off the runway damaging ...
279092 Hot air balloon into the wires.
279142 Flight crew departs air taxi passenger flight without checking his fuel on board.
279143 Private pilot of a small aircraft sel requested and received a flight assist after en...
279150 Mechanic pressured by airline vice president to install illegal part.
279154 Air carrier X had conflict aircraft Y.
279239 Flight crew of light transport returned to land after the flying first officer's airs...
279249 Private pilot of small aircraft sel lost control of aircraft during landing and struc...
279251 Near midair collision with birds.
279252 Communications emergency declared.
279253 Pilot of an small aircraft sel erroneously penetrated an air traffic area airspace wh...
279255 Private pilot of an small transport twin lost control during landing touchdown causin...
279257 Widebody transport at high altitude cruise descended below assigned altitude due to t...
279259 Baggage door opened during takeoff and initial climb causing the flight crew to retur...
279270 Flight crew of an light transport were unable to comply with the tower's desire to ha...
279357 Air carrier X on visual approach following a md-80 was assigned a speed below what co...
279406 Captain of a B747 stops arrival descent in response to a TCASII RA. TA not given. Tra...
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