37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 1995, 711 total |
319180 Replacement glareshield obstructs forward vision and the use of the 'wet' compass.
319187 Radio communication procedure, pilot gets the new frequency tuned into his #2 radio, ...
319189 Flight crew failed to complete engine start on one of two engines prior to attempting...
319190 PF damaged thrust reversers on landing.
319191 Pilot assigned 2000 ft allows altitude to deviate to 2800 ft.
319194 EMS pilot flew into class D airspace without the appropriate clearance.
319200 Deviation from clearance route -- air carrier has a route deviation due to a conflict...
319203 The flight crew operated the airplane without required emergency exit lights.
319207 Pilot deviation. Flight crew departed and overshoots initial altitude assignment. Aft...
319210 Flight crew pushes back with passenger standing.
319211 An EMS helicopter pilot found himself in unforecast icing.
319212 Altitude deviation descent in response to TCASII.
319217 The tower cleared the reporter aircraft on to the runway in front of an aircraft on t...
319220 Reporter misunderstood traffic control instructions and lined up with the wrong runwa...
319230 Aircraft falls on tail when improperly loaded at the gate.
319240 Helicopter VFR goes IMC on initial climb and returns and lands almost forgetting the ...
319247 Runway incursion. Revised hold short clearance interpretation not questioned. Amended...
319249 The flight crew failed to notice the weight and balance used was for another B727-200...
319250 Reporter has difficulty complying with ARTCC instructions for speed and altitude rest...
319252 ATC equipment problem communication frequency not reliable for communication.
319257 Publication deficiency. A ramp area at dfw is not depicted on the commercial or the N...
319260 Pilot says he inadvertently flew into a temporary restr area.
319264 Pilot lines up with taxiway instead of runway for landing.
319268 Flight crew descends below assigned altitude and experiences TCASII RA.
319269 Flight crew responds to TCASII RA.
319270 Flight crew set 28 pt 92 instead of 29 pt 92 during climb to FL330.
319271 Commuter has wake turbulence encounter on approach.
319272 Reporter taxies across active runway he is instructed to taxi to.
319273 Helicopter flight crew does not get the information about the temporary flight restr.
319274 Reporter, director of maintenance, discovers one of the airplanes he is responsible f...
319279 Small transport runway incursion due to no runway signage.
319281 Route flown was the route filed which was different from the route assigned.
319283 Student pilot checking out in complex aircraft raises gear handle on the runway.
319284 Pilot accepts VFR clearance not knowing for sure what he is supposed to do after take...
319288 An EMS helicopter was forced to fly single pilot in IMC to complete his mission.
319290 Slight track deviation towards a 'hot' restr area.
319294 Flight crew failed to configure the flaps properly for takeoff, aborted at the takeof...
319299 Flight crew takes off at night air carrier aircraft from unlighted runway.
319300 Approach clearance given to cessna abc, cessna dce took the clearance and read back o...
319304 An air carrier crew had to abort its approach after the autoplt coupler failed.
319307 Near midair collision. Flight crew confusion following TCASII RA.
319310 Captain taxies without receiving taxi clearance.
319313 Flight sold out, flight attendant places son in jump seat.
319315 Small aircraft multiple runway operation intersecting runways had runway incursion ca...
319320 Runway light outage. Air carrier crew lines up on the runway's right edge lights mist...
319327 Operational error by radar controller.
319328 Vehicle chasing deer from runway enters runway without permission. Aircraft aborts.
319330 Corp jet has less than standard separation on descent.
319332 FK28 cleared to descend, gets TCASII alert and TA.
319335 Small aircraft pilot misunderstands a 'low approach' clearance and makes a full stop ...
319352 ATC equipment problem radar ASR 9 failed. Ongoing problem.
319359 Traffic watch aircraft has near midair collision with C172 on landing at non tower ai...
319360 Pilot confused ATCT clearance. A turn was initiated prior to ATCT instruction. Track ...
319364 The min equipment list and the far interpretation.
319365 Non-compliance with MEL limitations. Aircraft equipment problem cargo compartment rem...
319366 Wrong altimeter setting causes TCASII RA.
319370 A commuter flight attendant was utilized as a crew member after failing a performance...
319372 Smoke associated with smoldering hydraulic fluid hydraulic failure entered the cockpi...
319380 An ARTCC radar controller issued the same altitude to 2 aircraft.
319384 Small aircraft pilot had stuck microphone and discovered no transponder in the aircra...
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