37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 1996, 762 total |
335721 Pilot of an small aircraft sel got caught in WX while breaking off an IFR approach fo...
335722 Pilot of small aircraft sel got caught in WX while on a SVFR flight from an airport c...
335730 Captain of an mdt misinterpreted the descent crossing altitude and consequently overs...
335731 Pilot of an small aircraft sel flew below the MSA during a search for a suitable off ...
335732 Flight crew of a widebody transport lost control of the aircraft when the aircraft su...
335733 First officer of an large transport misset the FMC descent altitude causing the aircr...
335735 Flight crew of an EMB120 departed with insufficient fuel for the trip and had to retu...
335740 Flight crew of a DC9 climbed in response to a TCASII during descent for landing.
335742 Flight crew of a B737-400 made a go around when the preceding aircraft had not yet cl...
335743 During a biennial flight review in a cessna 210, the pilot forgot to lower the landin...
335744 Flight crew of a BE02 failed to note the basic operating weight of the aircraft was i...
335749 Pilot of an small aircraft sel overshot climb altitude during departure due to an ele...
335750 Flight crew of a B727 overshot descent altitude due to misunderstanding descent altit...
335755 Flight crew of a B737-300 made a missed approach and diverted to land after the landi...
335757 Mechanic reported an exhaust leak from a recent installation of a reciprocating exhau...
335759 Flight crew of an light transport descended below assigned altitude when losing the p...
335760 Flight crew of an large transport failed to meet crossing restr climb altitude during...
335763 First officer of a B757-223 overshot localizer course and started descent before bein...
335767 Flight crew of an small transport turboprop inadvertently penetrated a restr area.
335768 Small aircraft pilot becomes disoriented after hitting head due to turbulence. He tra...
335770 Captain of an mdt turboprop loss control of aircraft during taxi and went off the sid...
335774 Small aircraft has radio communication problem resulting in close proximity with DC9.
335779 Flight of a saab 340B failed to follow their clearance in transitioning to the publis...
335780 Flight crew of an atx jet landed when the reported visibility was below that prescrib...
335783 A corporate BE9F pilot thought that he heard taxi into position and hold when his ins...
335785 Pilot of an small aircraft sel took evasive action to avoid several military helicopt...
335786 Air carrier flight crew returned to land after the nose gear would not retract due to...
335787 During gate repositioning, with engines running, a bird was ingested into one of the ...
335790 Flight crew of a B727 overshot assigned altitude on descent due to failing to level a...
335791 An atx director of operations resigned due to company management schedule pressure.
335793 Flight crew of a widebody transport on aircraft manufacturer test flight failed to st...
335795 Flight crew of a BA31 struck the wingtip of another company aircraft while taxiing in...
335799 High oil temperature prompts crew to shut down engine and divert for landing at neare...
335800 Bonanza pilot landing at non tower airport has communication with C206 pilot who land...
335801 Maintenance personnel taxiing aircraft to parking in deice pad hit wingtip on deice b...
335809 Instructor with spi has near midair collision in traffic pattern when a second aircra...
335810 Aircraft equipment problem. Landing gear indicator did not indicate left main gear do...
335819 While looking for traffic during the climb, a LR35 flight crew overshot their assigne...
335826 Flight crew of an medium large transport aborted takeoff after the takeoff warning ho...
335833 A B727 flight crew was instructed to turn left 10 degrees, but the PF thought that th...
335838 Flight crew of an medium large transport operated the aircraft without the proper mai...
335840 Flight crew of an medium large transport noticed the left landing gear green indicato...
335843 Pilot of an small aircraft sel divert landed after observing lower than normal oil pr...
335850 Shortly after a widebody transport crew took their position as a relieving crew, they...
335855 A BA46 flight crew declared fuel critical status and asked for priority handling when...
335856 Pilot of an small transport twin accidentally collapsed the nose gear during taxi whe...
335858 Flight crew of an medium large transport failed to change course as assigned during h...
335860 Captain of a B767 received complaint from an FAA inspector on the post flight en rout...
335861 The flight crew noticed they were 10 mi off course as they naved by their flawed omeg...
335862 Pilot of an small aircraft sel became alarmed and complained about ATC not having suf...
335870 Flight crew of a cargo B727 took off without the current weight and balance for the f...
335874 Pilot of an small aircraft sel lost control of his aircraft during landing and hit a ...
335875 Less than standard separation when descending air carrier X receives TCASII and stops...
335877 B737-300 flight crew has smoke in cockpit. Flight attendant confirms the problem. Che...
335880 During a pilot training flight, pilots of a cessna 172, penetrated the lax class B ai...
335884 Flight crew of a DA20 used reduced engine pressure ratio (EPR) during takeoff roll in...
335885 A B727-200 flight crew aborted takeoff when the #1 engine failed. The left inboard ti...
335890 ATC tested new arrival procedure. Flight crew complied with appro priate headings and...
335895 Aircraft equipment problem. Fuel tank indications intermittent and erroneous.
335896 On automatic pilot 'trk trk' annunciated coupled to the ILS runway 17C a gradual stee...
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