366055   B737-500 failed to make the turn required by the ward 4 STAR at pxt. They got more th...
366056   Very experienced pilot taxiing a taildragger collides with a parked aircraft. She hit...
366058   An medium large transport transport on approach had amber leading edge device positio...
366070   MD80 super 80 flight crew is alleged to have failed to change to an assigned frequenc...
366080   An air carrier MD88 flight crew complains that an approach controller assigned them a...
366090   The GA pilot of an small aircraft tuned in the wrong VOR and got off course. The aler...
366100   A B727 air carrier flight crew discover that a trailing edge wingtip light (white) is...
366101   An air carrier AT72 flight crew hit the wake (rotor downwash) of a helicopter that cr...
366103   A GA pilot in an small aircraft inadvertently entered R3704A&B when he followed the a...
366104   Reporter claims atl approach is using a new handling technique of having aircraft slo...
366105   Reported near midair collision less than standard separation when reporter's aircraft...
366110   An air carrier A300 flight crew departed without having the aircraft logbook on board...
366120   A B737 air carrier flight crew descend below their assigned altitude when the flight ...
366122   An air carrier SF340B flight crew departs with 1 pitot cover still installed and cont...
366124   The pilot of a C140 said that he entered runway 21 at an intersection in order to tak...
366126   Operational error when less than standard separation occurred between a climbing FA22...
366127   An air carrier DC10 flight crew taxies beyond the hold line for runway 23L at cle cau...
366129   J3 cub pilot departs airport and on return finds trucks adjacent to runway which is b...
366130   Light transport flight crew departs with no maintenance logbook on board. Notified by...
366140   Flight crew of medium large transport fails to make the crossing restr which was assi...
366141   Examiner giving check ride has problem with circuit breakers for landing gear popping...
366145   Flight crew of lear 35 misinterprets taxi clearance and taxies on runway without clea...
366147   Flight crew of C560 citation on demonstration flight crosses runway to which they are...
366150   PA28 on IFR training flight hears VFR traffic inbound at the same altitude. Traffic n...
366155   Flight instructor with student pilot has close encounter with ground vehicle crossing...
366156   Similar sounding call signs cause confusion when on same frequency. Center controller...
366160   Air carrier flight crew does not turn on heading when passing the VOR. Radar controll...
366164   DC8-63 flight crew has ramp check and several discrepancies discovered. Some were fix...
366165   A DC9-30 returned to the field due to being unable to pressurize the aircraft caused ...
366170   MD80 aircraft departing on SID started flying the wrong one until the departure contr...
366174   B737-200 flight crew fails to begin descent when assigned a crossing restr altitude. ...
366180   Flight crew of commuter aircraft fail to change altimeter setting when passing throug...
366185   Small aircraft pilot attempting a landing on a parallel runway, lands instead on taxi...
366190   CE414A was cleared into position and hold. Taxied onto wrong runway for takeoff.
366193   Air carrier flight crew had been cleared for a visual approach after questioning the ...
366201   L1011-250 on lda DME runway 26L at 3000 ft. Misread DME and began descent prior to cr...
366208   C172 departed fhr on runway favored by the windsock. Heard aircraft report landing st...
366210   Operational error occurred when reporter vectored air carrier Y behind air carrier X ...
366211   Air carrier light transport en route aex-iah got master fuel pressure light for right...
366220   M20J just completed annual and the pilot was rushing departure. IFR clearance was 2 h...
366234   C182 experienced complete electrical failure. Circled the field for green light but r...
366240   A cpr pilot of an MU2 reports that he was, apparently, told to climb by someone other...
366245   A PA34 pilot taxies into a fire plug and its protective island causing damage to the ...
366246   The pilot of an MO21 lost his electrical system and made a NORDO landing at dvt, but ...
366247   Reporter implies that vehicle movement on the runway without authority/authorized nea...
366250   An air carrier flight crew flying an AT72 cross karla too high.
366256   An MD80 flight crew reports that during an MEL maintenance procedure the technicians ...
366260   A B376 pilot enters mdt class D airspace while attempting an approach to cxy's runway...
366270   The flight crew of an air carrier B767 did not realize that refueling was still in pr...
366280   An air carrier medium large transport flight crew, apparently, starts a descent befor...
366290   An air carrier A300 flight crew complains that the present system of relaying communi...
366298   B737-400 cleared cross somto at 13000 ft. Forgot to set current altimeter setting 29 ...
366311   Instructor pilot questions the required procedure for operating VFR in restr airspace...
366320   PA24 pilot taxiing on closed runway per instructions is told he stopped beyond a safe...
366323   2 private pilots in a C172 and a C150, with passenger 'buzzed' their high school in f...
366324   A B757-200F flight crew had the autoplt malfunction and pitch up and down and the fli...
366325   Reporter states 9 or 10 people man a center area of 6 sectors for which staffing guid...
366334   B757 on border 4 SID got a map shift of 43 pt 7 mi at 400 ft. Departure controller ve...
366336   Air carrier mdt on descent pdx got GPWS account high rate of descent. Initiated climb...
366337   An air carrier MD80 pilot was below the recommended altitude on the fairgrounds visua...