37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 1999, 860 total |
436802 A320 crew had a GPWS terrain warning and executed a go around at dca.
436810 B737 first officer deploys passenger oxygen masks during preflight.
436812 F100 reports severe turbulence 24000 ft over gnv.
436815 FAA inspector riding jump seat of an MD80 questioned the safety of another aircraft c...
436824 Piper seneca lands syr in emergency condition with partial gear up.
436830 EMB120 low speed abort at smf.
436831 Saab 340 flight crew unable to stop within runway confines upon landing at jfk.
436837 TCASII RA resolution by a B737-400 in ZLA airspace caused by F18.
436840 F100 cleared to descend much too early for normal profile.
436843 C172 pilot collided with helicopter departing rhv.
436844 The pilot of a C402 had an instructor and student skydiver jump into a layer of cloud...
436845 EMB120 crew receives TCASII TA during simultaneous parallel departures at lax.
436846 Flight of 2 CF104's performing at mcf special event reported as violating VMC by coor...
436850 BE400 flight crew descended on GS and received TCASII RA.
436860 A B737-300 was discovered by the crew to have the wrong time limit assigned to a defe...
436862 A C172 pilot had a bee ingested through air vent during takeoff.
436865 A B767 declared an emergency for generator drive indication and returned to mia.
436868 An md super 80's wingtip struck something while under the direction of a guideman in ...
436870 A boeing 737-200 received an intermittent APU fire warning and discharged the APU fir...
436878 An airbus A320 ingested the air conditioning hose at the gate in mem.
436880 A charter aircraft lost radio contact with ZOB near rod VOR.
436881 Pns controller concerned with ARTS iie and beacon failures at an 'alarming rate.' con...
436887 A B727 shut down engine #2 due to high oil temperature near iiu.
436890 Flight crew expresses concern over potential hazard short final to runway 22 at dmn.
436896 A B767 received a new STAR clearance and was unable to cross at required altitude int...
436901 An MD80 received a TCASII RA leaving 3000 ft on approach into dfw. No traffic observe...
436909 B757-200 takes wrong exit at dtw citing poor signs, lighting, with night operations a...
436910 ZOB controller distraction utilizing dsr equipment, fails to ensure automated handoff...
436915 Falcon 20 on initial climb on assigned heading sustains significant aircraft damage u...
436920 MD80 crew had altitude overshoot.
436921 A BE100 changed heading after seeing reported traffic.
436927 San controller concerned with late notification for bird strike of landing air carrie...
436930 A flight crew was given a hold short taxi clearance after passing the hold short line...
436932 A lear 25 flight crew experienced an autoplt pitch up while in ZHU airspace.
436934 A boeing 727 flight crew had a rapidly increasing egt on engine #2 during takeoff fro...
436935 An airbus 300 on final approach at 1000 ft experienced uncommanded rudder inputs and ...
436939 A DC9-50 flight crew was given an immediate descent and heading to avoid conflicting ...
436945 Pilot of C340 not used to drum type altimeter leveled off at wrong altitude.
436946 A dassualt falcon 20 received 2 gear down lights and followed procedures with a norma...
436948 2 pns controllers report ARTS iie and beacon radar equipment failures.
436950 A flight crew was given a crossing restr that they were unable to meet on descent int...
436956 An instructor pilot took a C170 on a ferry flight, without checking the fuel, to 59S....
436960 B777 landed at dfw while still on approach control frequency.
436963 An MD80 flight crew received a TCASII RA during an ARTCC request for rapid descent in...
436964 MD80 flight crew overshoots turn to final at dfw.
436970 BE1900 fails to obtain proper release prior to takeoff from uncontrolled airport.
436971 C182 pilot unable to maintain assigned altitude.
436980 MD80 flight crew turns off runway 28L on incorrect taxiway at sfo.
436989 Pilot report, S80, hou-lga, turbulence on approach to lga, flight attendant injured.
436990 F100 flight crew fails to enter rerte in FMS.
437000 Company dispatch released a test flight plan in error, which canceled the flight plan...
437002 A B757 received a TCASII RA and executed the avoidance maneuver near mxe.
437003 MD80 crew had #2 generator fail, and had electrical odor in the cockpit. Returned to ...
437004 AT72 crew had engine fire warning.
437008 C152 disputes landing on parallel runway instead of cleared runway.
437009 Flight attendant report, S80, bur-dfw, engine shutdown, divert to elp for emergency l...
437010 Atx aircraft missed turn as depicted on charts and clearance near eln.
437011 Flight attendant report on passenger smoke in lavatory on MD80 mia-ord.
437020 CL65 wingtip contacts ground during wind gust on landing cvg.
437021 AS350 helicopter pilot executed emergency landing when cyclic failed.
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