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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for September 1999, 851 total |
449167 A stinson aircraft after engine work by the reporter has the owner and customer compl...
449170 A climbing B727-200 freighter overshoots its assigned altitude when the altitude capt...
449172 B737 crew turned in reports describing a pilot's discretion descent which was interru...
449173 CL60 flight crew evidently acknowledged an atl climb clearance for a company aircraft...
449174 An ATP pilot flying a modified C172K near jfk asks for vectors away from densely popu...
449176 A bell 206B helicopter pilot is cited by an FAA inspector for removing the doors for ...
449180 A PA28-181 commercial pilot lands on runway 4 after being cleared to land on runway 3...
449183 ZOB controller is distraction with sector traffic volume and does not observe conflic...
449184 An airbus in descent at 12000 ft, FMS and autoplt allowed aircraft to exceed structur...
449185 Pilot of C150 possibly incurred phx class B airspace while trying to remain VFR in an...
449189 A king air C90 pilot lands on the parallel taxiway a to runway 27 at mem, tn.
449191 An air carrier heavy loses airspeed when the captain forgets to retract the speed bra...
449196 Part 135 MU2B miscalculates turn and hold position and crosses runway, causing anothe...
449200 A C182 pilot raises the ire of an approaching cessna pilot when he departs fkl non to...
449215 Flight crew of medium large transport landing in patchy fog ena, loses visual contact...
449217 A BE1900 flight crew is written up by an FAA inspector for missing some old blackened...
449220 A BA4100 flight crew overshoots its assigned altitude and experiences a traffic confl...
449222 Flight crew of B727 on takeoff roll at ord notes runway incursion too late for safe h...
449232 BE1900 flight crew assumes fuel for flight and checks fuel after 50 mi from departure...
449235 A CFI was startled to see a seminole rolling out of the runway he had just been clear...
449238 A DC9-50 on takeoff at 800 ft AGL declared an emergency and returned to the field due...
449242 While descending to assigned 7000 ft inbound to crq, a GLF4 flight crew received a TC...
449244 An airbus 319 was dispatched in non compliance with all 3 main hydraulic system accum...
449245 An EMB120 flight crew descended to an unsafe altitude near crq.
449251 Captain of a DC9 overshot assigned altitude during climb due to watching for TA.
449257 An L1011 on climb out discovered the trailing edge flaps did not fully retract but re...
449260 Captain of a B727 overshot assigned altitude during climb due to distraction of maint...
449263 Flight attendant report, B757, mia-position (trinidad), passenger drinking out of own...
449264 Captain of a DC9 overrun runway during landing roll causing no damage to the aircraft...
449269 Multiple flight attendant report, A300, jfk-mia. Ill passenger, divert to rdu per ins...
449270 First officer of a beech 1900 exceeded flight duty time in a 7 day period.
449272 Flight attendant, B767-300, lax-jfk, verbally abusive passenger threatened to kill a ...
449274 Flight attendant report, B767, boston-orly (paris), passenger smoking in lavatory.
449275 Flight attendant report, B767-300, mai-ory, passenger smoking in 4 different lavatori...
449282 Flight crew of a super MD80 returned to the gate due to moisture dripping out of the ...
449286 Captain of an MD88 overshot descent assigned altitude due to either bumping the altit...
449287 Flight crew of an embraer 120 overshot assigned altitude during climb due to not rese...
449288 After the pilot of a P51 started his airshow performance over the airport, he was sto...
449289 While practicing lndgs, private pilot of a C305, bird dog, lost directional control o...
449290 Home built small aircraft aircraft went off the runway and hit a taxiway sign.
449291 Captain of a B727 operated the aircraft even though the left landing gear disagreemen...
449293 BE02 crew hit a deer on go around at bhb, me.
449294 Approach controller descended air carrier X to same altitude occupied by a lockheed L...
449295 An instrument rated pilot flying a PA28 into stead, nv, lands his aircraft while a NO...
449299 A B757-200 was dispatched in non compliance with a deferred item not accomplished and...
449300 SA227 flight crew receives WX below takeoff minimums near V1 during takeoff roll at l...
449307 Flight crew of a B737-300 overshot intermediate descent altitude due to misunderstand...
449309 BE76 instructor and trainee had landing gear collapse on landing.
449310 A cessna skymaster pilot taxies across the runway hold line without a clearance at ab...
449312 Flight crew of an air carrier turboprop inadvertently landed at the wrong airport at ...
449319 Mia controller concerned with system safety when ARTS computer failed.
449320 The flight crew of a B737-300 undershot assigned crossing restr on a STAR arrival due...
449321 B757 flight crew receives coordination from company dispatch advising that amended ro...
449327 A DC9-30 on start of descent at FL260 declared an emergency due to loss of cabin pres...
449328 Captain of an air carrier 3 engine widebody transport allowed a company employee to f...
449329 Air carrier turboprop hits fence with winglet during parking causing minor damage to ...
449330 Air carrier B727 flight crew challenged by ZOA controller about complying with loupe ...
449332 B757 altitude deviation while on pdz 3 into lax.
449333 Pilot in a PA28 at sna claims the controller issued a clearance to cross the runway a...
449339 Pilot of a C172RG inadvertently penetrated a temporary flight restr airspace during a...
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