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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for September 1999, 851 total |
448370 Instrument pilot trainee descended below assigned initial approach altitude resulting...
448384 A learjet 31 captain reported busting their assigned altitude during convective activ...
448390 A B727-100 was dispatched in non compliance with an inoperative #1 communication tran...
448397 A C177 traffic watch pilot experienced a rapid deterioration in WX, causing him to sc...
448399 Zan air carrier flight crew flying EMB120 near lit is advised of an odor produced by ...
448400 Air carrier crosses international airspace boundary without contact with appropriate ...
448401 B757-200 blown tires on landing roll.
448410 A B727-200 while taxiing from terminal to hangar, technicians misunderstood ground co...
448411 Air carrier vectored into a TCASII RA situation.
448413 A B737-300 was dispatched in non compliance with the flap-slat asymmetry inoperative ...
448415 A B727-200 in climb at 10000 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to unable to p...
448416 A fokker 100 was dispatched and operated in non compliance with laptop computer power...
448420 Flight crew of a super MD80 were unable to make STAR crossing altitude due to late de...
448421 FK10 flight crew encounter what was originally advised as a VFR crossing C210, but la...
448428 Flight instructor giving lesson to a multi engine trainee in an approved ground simul...
448440 Pilot of a lancair, LNC4 flew through restr airspace during IFR flight due to misunde...
448441 Near midair collision between a piper PA34 turning base leg and a cpr jet on straight...
448445 A dash 8-200 was dispatched in non compliance with a deferred item on the PA out of l...
448449 Flight crew of a B737 undershot crossing fix due to a late start in descending after ...
448453 Captain of a B737-300 diverted to another airport due to illness of the first officer...
448465 ARTCC controller at ZOB climbed an H25B to FL350 that later conflicted with an MD80 o...
448469 Pilot in PA28 inbound to sjc elected to go under traffic on final and landed on runwa...
448470 Flight crew of a B757 overshot assigned STAR fix during descent due to distrs and cle...
448480 Near midair collision between a sightseeing flight C207 turning about a prominent sce...
448490 First officer of an air carrier turboprop failed to report to the tower over the FAF ...
448497 A twin engine air carrier is subjected to the wake turbulence of a preceding, climbin...
448498 A B727 crew reported that an FAA inspector from the mia FSDO caused a 3 pt 5 hour del...
448499 Distraction A320 fails to meet crossing restr at dandd.
448500 Flight crew of an air carrier mdt jet undershot crossing altitude during descent due ...
448502 ZID controller issues climb clearance to top crossing air carrier which results in an...
448510 A lear 35 flight crew received a loupe 9 departure from sjc with an amended climb.
448519 Flight crew of an airbus 320 landed without wing slats extended due to a system fault...
448520 Flight crew lost altitude during start of climb to a higher altitude during descent f...
448524 Flight crew of a dehavilland DHC8 read back descent altitude to ARTCC controller and ...
448530 A BE58 beech baron crew is able to stop their aircraft on the runway after it blows a...
448531 Captain of an airbus A320 taxied on 1 engine, even though he knew that it was contrar...
448534 Learjet crew has major fuel imbal.
448540 A beech 1900D was dispatched with the flight data recorder deferred per the MEL as in...
448542 Captain of a B757 taxied into position after hearing cleared for takeoff and noticed ...
448550 Altitude alert system not set to cleared altitude and altitude overshoot occurs.
448551 First officer of a DC10-30 overshot final to a parallel runway during a visual approa...
448559 Air carrier has TCASII RA when controllers at ARTCC do not provide separation during ...
448570 Captain of an MD88 overshot assigned altitude during departure due to distraction of ...
448572 Private pilot of a maule M7 nosed up on the propeller during taxi after landing due t...
448578 A departure MD11 freighter climbs above its expected departure altitude 2 mi west of ...
448590 B727 flight crew misunderstood their clearance.
448595 DC9 crew had left gear collapse on landing.
448600 A private pilot of a C182 inadvertently taxied onto active runway resulting in a go a...
448604 Reporter seems to be a wkend seaplane pilot who knew the proper steps to take, but ea...
448610 B727 overshoots altitude assignment.
448617 Xponders of some types reported as unreadable by some ATC radar and TCASII receivers.
448630 C172 pilot finds his aircraft ticketed by FAA for ELT xmissions in the hangar.
448639 DC10 crew selects wrong frequency amidst departure confusion.
448640 Mlb ATCT controller has LJ60 on 2 mi base and notices a PA28 on 4 mi final for same r...
448641 B737 crew was not given the customary altitude crossing restr by center. Aircraft als...
448642 A fokker 100 returned to the field immediately after takeoff due to unable to retract...
448644 B727 crew had track deviation.
448646 B737-400 struck catering truck during gate parking.
448648 A B767 first officer, on 2 occasions, told his captain to go around after the tower r...
448650 Pilot of charter rotary wing craft wrongly assumes flight following while landing as ...
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