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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1989, 669 total |
115412 Flight crew of aircraft with destination of fll was approaching on the dolin two arri...
115422 Altitude deviation due to icing and turbulence. Brief loss of aircraft control.
115426 Aircraft aborted takeoff at low speed when takeoff warning horn alerted crew that win...
115430 Corporate small transport has airborne conflict with another small transport while in...
115432 Less than standard separation with another aircraft while on glide slope localizer. O...
115439 Flight crew of light transport aircraft landing at tex, co, encountered strong windsh...
115441 Pilot of small aircraft inadvertently penetrated TCA while attempting to make radio c...
115444 Takeoff on parallel runways using two tower frequencys. Small aircraft turned directl...
115490 Contract fueler opened access door on wing, removed a cannon plug, manually operated ...
115502 Approval for use of restricted airspace not passed to appropriate sectors until after...
115503 Pilot of small aircraft unaware of new restricted airspace inadvertently flew through...
115516 Reporter has minor gear problems in his light twin, worries that because there were 2...
115521 Air carrier flight crew were unable to communicate with each other after they had don...
115522 Air carrier on vectors around another aircraft conflicted with opposite direction tra...
115523 Small aircraft high wing landed. Gear collapsed.
115540 Air carrier landed on a runway occupied by another air carrier.
115541 Air carrier large transport held high too close in to make proper descent. Requested ...
115548 Pilot of small transport crossed active runway without authorization when unable to c...
115555 Close proximity air carrier-medium large transport military-mlt east of ott at 9500'.
115557 GA small aircraft altitude deviation started descent from cruise altitude without cle...
115558 Flight crew of medium large transport allegedly 5 mi north of course. VOR reported by...
115559 Flight crew of rotary wing aircraft experienced repeated shuddering of the aircraft a...
115634 Special use airspace activity not always current or fully coordinated.
115638 GA small aircraft pilot noted alternator failure light and low manifold pressure shor...
115657 Loss of separation for air carrier on the quiet bridge approach at sfo.
115658 Air carrier came in close proximity to another air carrier during adverse WX conditio...
115660 Near miss for two light aircraft at tower controlled airport.
115661 Light single engine aircraft conducting instrument training at an uncontrolled airpor...
115683 Air carrier preparing for ILS approach, sighted airport, entered downwind, landed.
115693 Aircraft climbed through altitude occupied by another aircraft resulting in less than...
115694 Clearance altitude not forwarded to next sector. Altitude questioned.
115696 Rapid decompression forces crew to execute emergency descent.
115697 Flight crew member used restricted frequency to communicate with 'old unit' when hear...
115712 Loss of aircraft control results in ground loop.
115715 GA small aircraft VFR in IMC requires flight assist to regain orientation.
115717 Close proximity cpr-light transport military-light transport northeast of osu on rada...
115730 Student pilot landed wrong airport on first solo cross country. Entered arsa and air ...
115737 Aircraft was vectored toward higher terrain below the minimum vectoring altitude.
115903 Aircraft penetrated active restricted area due to breakdown in coordination.
115909 Air carrier medium large transport less than standard separation 40 NM southeast of b...
115914 Air carrier medium large transport made takeoff with a passenger on cabin jump seat b...
115935 Close proximity GA-small aircraft GA-small transport landing-takeoff opposite directi...
115984 Pilot of light aircraft experiences a loss of communication, proceeds to airport of i...
115990 Medium large transport overshoots assigned altitude on descent.
115998 Landing atx Y turned onto departing atx X's runway while atx X was on takeoff roll. S...
116001 Reporter objects to fellow pilot from same company crowding him in the flight pattern...
116088 Reporter states NDB approach with heading of 166 is misaligned with runway left at pn...
116092 Flight crew of widebody transport enroute atl misnavigated and missed crossing altitu...
116097 Pilot's misinterpretation of clearance leads him into a potential conflict with air c...
116100 Penetration of arsa not depicted on low altitude enroute chart.
116101 Tower cleared aircraft for downwind which was not the aircraft he thought.
116102 Departure control assigned a SID, but center expected a specific heading rather than ...
116271 Request for federal aviation regulation rule change regarding landing on a closed run...
116288 Controller reporter deplores lack of backup power for radar scopes at geg.
116290 GA small aircraft VFR in marginal VFR WX. Entered control zone without clearance.
116351 VFR pilot in small aircraft climbed through hole in clouds but caught one edge. IFR f...
116804 Airborne conflict between IFR medium large transport and VFR aircraft while medium la...
116806 Toxic fumes in cockpit. Aircraft diverted and landed under emergency clearance.
116993 Separation was lost when controller attempted to climb an air carrier above another a...
117372 Foreign atx unauthorized landing. Unstabilized approach resulting in tire damage.
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