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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1989, 669 total |
114542 Aircraft rudder gust lock not removed during aircraft preflight.
114546 In-flight WX encounter. ATC flight assist.
114555 Widebody transport enroute at FL350 encountered turbulence that mildly injured 5 cabi...
114557 Landing at wrong airport.
114559 Altitude deviation overshoot in climb. IFR flight plan.
114563 Flight crew of air carrier cleared for landing 27R at ord, instructed hold short of i...
114565 Airborne conflict between departing medium large transport and flight check aircraft ...
114575 Runway transgression. Crossed active runway while taxiing to parking.
114579 Airborne conflict between arriving large transport and unknown small transport.
114581 Flames observed by ATC and other aircraft flight crew coming from #3 engine during st...
114583 Commuter aircraft on localizer approach received 'low altitude warning' message from ...
114590 Air carrier came in close proximity to another air carrier while in descent.
114593 Commuter aircraft departing uncontrolled airport conflicts with landing light aircraf...
114600 Aircraft inadvertently given the wrong runway for departure and taxied across an acti...
114602 Reporter complains that too many fellow pilots are angry over FAA policy of no tolera...
114603 Engine failed during cruise. Requested and received ATC priority handling. Partial po...
114604 Landing aircraft failed to hold short of intersecting departure runway causing depart...
114608 Reporter flight overshot alignment with the final approach course and had conflict wi...
114611 As a result of call sign mixup and frequency congestion clearance received and follow...
114613 PIC proceeded to destination airport with less than required reserve fuel. Did not ha...
114614 Light aircraft loses power on takeoff, experiences runway excursion while attempting ...
114618 Commuter aircraft encounters wind shear at landing, executes go around, reporter cite...
114622 Light twin on approach to uncontrolled airport at night has runway lights turned to h...
114623 Air carrier crew experiences equipment failures in cruise, divert to landing.
114628 Air carrier experiences communication problems in cruise.
114631 Air carrier flight cleared for a visual to a parallel runway in restricted visibility...
114636 During pushback and engine start aircraft APU fire warning activated. Passenger evacu...
114641 Air carrier flight crew taxies to wrong runway at stl, enters runway without authoriz...
114643 An arriving aircraft experienced delays to airport, and routed over water after depar...
114646 Flight crew of mlt attempts visual approach to wrong airport.
114654 Flight crew of medium large transport incorrectly calculates takeoff performance fact...
114660 In-flight WX encounter resulted in altitude deviation from assigned and possible loss...
114671 Excursion from assigned altitude.
114677 Air carrier attempting to avoid WX was denied permission to enter warning area. Squaw...
114679 Aircraft exited airway and enteed restricted area without coordination. Operational d...
114681 Confusion regarding altitude assignment on change of clearance.
114682 Air carrier in unauthorized heading deviation for WX on departure. Departure vector g...
114685 Reporter flight issued missed approach clearance after losing sight of airport during...
114687 Reporter miscalculates aircraft inspection times.
114689 Non tower airport. Helicopter maneuvering so that he infringed on runway area. Report...
114698 Operations on 2 runways, 32 and 28, haze, dusk. Traffic not sighted, pilot initiated ...
114699 Air carrier X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error.
114710 Wrong runway landing, non tower airport.
114712 Arsa incursion. Unable callback.
114713 Air carrier making a go around came close to a departing aircraft.
114719 WX at sby reported as 1000 scattered 3 miles visibility. An ILS 32 approach was made ...
114723 After landing at uncontrolled airport and while taxiing back to terminal turnoff repo...
114724 Small aircraft X less than standard separation from atx Y. System error.
114732 Cpr Y descended through air carrier X's altitude without standard separation. System ...
114733 Air carrier widebody transport encounters less than satisfactory ATC handling on appr...
114734 Pilot disagrees with interpretation TRACON approach controller puts north phrase 'res...
114742 Runway was closed with proper notifications and markings but aircraft landed and took...
114743 Company procedure regarding weight and balance reported as very poor.
114744 Student pulled mixture instead of carburetor heat to prepare for slow flight for pict...
114746 Air carrier X descended thru the altitude of air carrier Y with less than standard se...
114747 Light transport had an near midair collision with unidentified small transport flying...
114750 On initial climb, lost #2 radio. Switched to departure, #1 radio failed. Squawked app...
114752 Air carrier flight descends before glide slope intercept.
114754 Failure to follow canadian airport procedures. Pushback without clearance possibly on...
114760 Altitude deviation overshot altitude on climb.
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