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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1989, 669 total |
113010 Aircraft entering country with temporary aircraft registration.
113011 Aircraft turned off of active runway after landing onto taxiway not stressed for the ...
113015 Flight crew discovered that the dispatch release contained the wrong aircraft number....
113016 Reporter aircraft entered airport traffic pattern ahead of traffic already in downwin...
113023 Non compliance with aircraft MEL item.
113025 After takeoff captain discovered that flight crew had misinterpreted takeoff data inf...
113027 Lost on visual approach. Airman certificate not in possession. Unable callback.
113033 Small transport air carrier flight in cruise was advised by center they had been clea...
113034 Multi-engine student practicing short field lndgs. Retracted gear instead of flaps.
113037 Flight engineer on widebody transport inadvertently cut off boost pumps to #4 engine ...
113040 Flight crew changed aircraft at departure point from an overwater equipped to non equ...
113041 Pilot door on small aircraft aircraft came open shortly after takeoff. Pilot continue...
113049 ARTCC controller requested expedited climb. Flight crew of medium large transport com...
113051 Widebody transport air carrier flight experiences severe downdraft while transiting a...
113055 Aircraft experienced violent yaw as it climbed thru FL180. Returned and landed safety...
113056 Air carrier medium large transport flight crew complaint about controllers in the cle...
113058 Close proximity air carrier-mdt air carrier-medium large transport under ZLA control ...
113060 Small transport penetrated restricted airspace without authority.
113065 Air carrier medium large transport wrong runway approach. Cleared visual to 24R at la...
113066 Close proximity cpr-medium large transport GA-small aircraft in traffic at non tower ...
113070 Air carrier medium large transport track heading deviation and altitude deviation dur...
113071 Air carrier was allowed to deviate around WX resulting in last minute ATC interventio...
113073 Medium large transport hits bus with wing while on taxiway.
113074 Air carrier large transport altitude deviation overshot during descent.
113075 Charter small transport landed nose gear up because gear actuator arm became detached...
113076 Student pilot taxied past taxi hold line but held short of runway.
113079 Medium large transport was inadvertently descended to an altitude that conflicted wit...
113090 Air carrier flight crew taxiing to gate were accused of violating the sterile cockpit...
113092 Aircraft 2 had less than standard separation from aircraft 1. System error.
113098 GA small aircraft missed his approach when pilot failed to descend to decision altitu...
113100 A departing cga came in close proximity to 2 MTR's after takeoff.
113101 Aircraft did not automatic acquire after departure and conflicted with an inbound IFR...
113102 Emergency landing.
113103 While in a climb, air carrier was issued an immediate descent, then observed an aircr...
113104 Near midair collision. Unknown VFR traffic in TRSA.
113112 Close proximity atx-small transport GA-small aircraft at non tower airport using cros...
113113 IFR aircraft flying in and out of clouds saw another IFR aircraft at the same altitud...
113120 Aircraft on final approach came in close proximity to each other.
113132 Medium large transport at dfw airport taxiing to 36R inadvertently taxied BEY0ND the ...
113144 Medium large transport taxiing on unlighted taxiway. Wheels of right gear rolled off ...
113148 Runway transgression during taxi for takeoff.
113158 Aircraft landed without ATC landing clearance.
113161 Aircraft on lasso 2 arrival into mci allegedly off course. Given correcting heading b...
113162 GA small aircraft helicopter VFR in IMC.
113179 Flight crew failed to verify fuel load form certification prior to departure.
113180 Air carrier climbed above assigned altitude and came in close proximity to another ai...
113184 Reporter states that the automated FSS does not have real time WX radar presentation ...
113198 Close proximity commuter light transport-GA small transport northeast of wri.
113205 MTR overflew another aircraft while both were inbound at the outer marker.
113210 Medium large transport on arrival to phx. Aircraft being flown by first officer in tr...
113228 GA small aircraft in-flight encounter with icing at 18,000'.
113229 Aircraft landed on an intersecting runway simultaneously with an air carrier, resulti...
113233 GA small aircraft return land due aircraft equipment problem.
113250 Small transport was not issued revised routing prior to takeoff and penetrated adjace...
113257 Aircraft on downwind approach to intersecting runway cross through ILS approach path ...
113258 Confusion over runway assignment versus clearance issued by approach. Unable callback...
113259 Radio problems prevented the issuance of control instructions to keep from loosing se...
113264 While attempting to vector air carrier around traffic, separation was lost between an...
113267 Air carrier had problem with TRACON clearance. Call sign, acknowledgement of clrncs a...
113268 Departing air carrier has severe WX impacting departure route.
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