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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1996, 710 total |
352363 Flight crew of an md super 80 went off of end of runway due to poor to nil braking ac...
352370 An arriving DC9 is issued a departing commuter aircraft as traffic and has aircraft i...
352373 B767 captain receives a reclrnc and assumes first officer has copied and entered it i...
352374 Flight crew of an S80 continue to destination airport with a major aircraft equipment...
352388 International air carrier on approach has indication of unsafe nose gear. PIC elects ...
352390 Emergency declared during return land after commuter aircraft loses hydraulic fluid t...
352392 Near midair collision in proximity of class east airspace. Traffic not sighted until ...
352393 L1011 has stick shaker activate on lift-off. PIC elects to make an overweight return ...
352400 An air carrier flight crew crossed an active runway when they misunderstood the groun...
352401 B747-400 diverts to alternate as wiring to recirculation fan causes smoke in the cabi...
352404 Corp pilot in an small aircraft runs tanks dry and cannot restart engine. Receives ve...
352406 Medium large transport aircraft departing, runway changed as aircraft was being deice...
352410 DHC8 at temporary cruise altitude, TCASII RA to climb just as ATC cleared aircraft to...
352411 An E120 first officer reports frustration with the new dfw airspace and procedures. T...
352420 Flight crew of an air carrier took off at night without runway lighting as required b...
352422 B727-200 on approach experiences windshear and executes go around. Aggressive climb w...
352429 An air carrier B727 had a navigation error en route to 'anada.' 1 of the 2 omega navi...
352437 B727-200 descends below MSA in mountainous terrain.
352438 PA32-300R aircraft. Reporter was a second pilot on a single pilot aircraft because of...
352440 An air carrier MD80 crew was unable to contact its air carrier ground personnel while...
352442 M20-F aircraft. Night taxi to runway 24 (inactive), pilot reporter became disoriented...
352445 B737-400 aircraft. Reporter captain perceives a problem when landing in crosswind. Ju...
352450 F28 aircraft in cruise naved outbound on wrong radial for 10 mi. ATC alerted flight c...
352453 ARTCC radar controller allows an air carrier to get close to another air carrier in h...
352460 FK100 aircraft on descent flight crew forgot to reset altimeters through 18000 ft and...
352466 Medium large transport aircraft on climb out had compressor stalls, high egt. Flight ...
352470 B727-200 aircraft landing in inclement WX, low ceiling, ice, fog and snow probably hi...
352471 B737-200 on final approach had fire warning in #2 engine. It was shut down and fire b...
352478 DC9-30 in climb. Flight attendant advises flight crew that oxygen masks had dropped. ...
352481 Wrong ILS frequency on published approach plate. ATIS very garbled with the correctio...
352488 Flight of 3 C414's over the atlantic bucking stronger than forecast head winds have t...
352490 DC9-30 climbing from 16000 ft to 17000 ft overshot altitude by 300 ft.
352494 Digital ATIS voice is difficult for flcs to understand especially altimeter and wind ...
352500 C210 pilot suspects he may have violated bur class C airspace due to a faulty altimet...
352501 An air carrier widebody transport taxiing out for takeoff has a DC9 cross in front of...
352502 B737-400 began taxiing from the gate, crossed a vehicle perimeter road and entered a ...
352509 B757 descended below its assigned altitude of 7000 ft.
352520 MD80 flight crew in a non adherence to ATC clearance procedure. Clearance interpretat...
352528 A C310 was cleared off runway 35 with a left turn direct to the approach end of runwa...
352530 B737-300 began a turn to on course after takeoff unaware they had been assigned a hea...
352531 MD88 landing downwind with snow falling slides off the end of runway 5R at cle.
352538 Small aircraft made touch and go landing at ntd. His destination was oxr and he was i...
352540 DC9-30 was told to hold short of a taxiway but crossed it and taxied to gate without ...
352543 A B747 had a cowling latch lock and unlock tool left inadvertently in the #3 engine r...
352549 Cessna 310 had nose gear fail to fully extend and it collapsed upon landing.
352556 False TCASII RA when on final ILS approach. TCASII RA commanded descent and flight cr...
352560 A learjet freighter flight crew started their takeoff roll on runway 28 instead of ru...
352561 B737-200 first to depart lax. RVR reading 6000 ft midfield 500 ft, rollout 500 ft. Co...
352572 B737-300 cleared to cross a point 35 mi south of riccs intersection at FL240. Prior t...
352578 A B767-200 with report of rudder ratio warning was assigned to be worked by an untrai...
352580 Emb 120 maintaining FL180 with clearance to descend 11000 ft pilot's discretion. Firs...
352582 Air carrier cargo jet positioning the aircraft at swf. In VMC conditions thought had ...
352600 A cpr CE550 pilot arrived over destination without the proper chars at hand. They wer...
352610 An air carrier light transport captain descended below his assigned altitude. His fir...
352612 Flight crew of B737 taxies beyond hold line but not onto runway at night. Did not see...
352618 A320 aircraft on visual, night approach into las commenced descent prior to VOR inbou...
352620 DC10-30F aircraft reporter captain based departure to destination WX on RVR minimums ...
352630 Flight crew heading track position deviation in a night operation.
352632 Departure commuter has a potential conflict with arrival traffic, opposite direction ...
352640 Rotary winged aircraft IAP non precision approach in IMC. Aircraft equipment problem ...
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