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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1996, 710 total |
353580 Captain of an FK10 complaint about ATC handling of taxi instructions wherein, the fir...
353584 Near midair collision at a non tower airport. Traffic sighted, evasive action, go aro...
353587 A B737-300 was dispatched with #4 leading edge slat position indication system deferr...
353588 Captain of an FK10 complains about ATC handling after vectors off flight plan routing...
353589 Flight crew disapproves of parallel instrument visual approach into stl. MD88.
353590 Small aircraft pilot performs an unauthorized touch-and-go after tower had given clea...
353595 Unauthorized penetration of airspace. Proximity of restr area by small aircraft pilot...
353603 An air carrier MD80 descending with visual separation clearance from a climbing air c...
353605 Small aircraft inbound to dvv VOR was given traffic information on a VFR C210 at 7500...
353609 ARTCC radar controller turned a B737 in TRACON airspace without coordination and caus...
353610 Pilot of rotary winged aircraft leaves blades turning while exiting aircraft for grou...
353611 Video map outage due to power unit failures at TRACON. Reporter claims unable to vect...
353612 Lost of commercial power at radar site caused the ASR-9 radar to fail. Transition to ...
353614 First officer reporting for flight goes through airport security check. Bag check don...
353616 ARTCC radar controller complaint about staffing, equipment, procedures and facility F...
353623 Potential conflict created by military flight crew deviation from clearance at a mili...
353626 A B747-200 was dispatched with the #4 engine pneumatic system and the engine anti-ice...
353627 G4 flight crew has a hard time understanding ATIS information during approach. ATIS b...
353630 PIC of taxiing B737 in a night operation suffers spatial disorientation and slows tax...
353633 An SF34 encountered an MD80's wake turbulence after takeoff on runway 13L at dfw. The...
353634 An small aircraft was operated with a GPS unit installed, but not documented for inst...
353635 A PA34 seneca was operated without logbook and current required documents, form 337 a...
353638 Excursion from taxiway. PA31-350 atx pilot hits taxi light during landing procedure r...
353640 Low altitude civil operation in a PA28-161. Violation of FARS in-flight over building...
353649 A hot air balloon pilot was questioned by a FSDO safety inspector regarding his perce...
353650 A private pilot in a PA28-235 performs an altitude deviation excursion from assigned....
353654 Atx DHC6-300 makes an unauthorized landing at a closed airport. Runway condition snow...
353656 B747-400 flight crew altitude deviation altitude overshot in climb. A manual flown ai...
353657 Air carrier medium large transport experiences cabin pressurization problems. Emergen...
353659 Navigation error. A B727-200 using omega navigation experiences a heading track posit...
353660 Helicopter crew failed to check NOTAMS and landed without contacting a temporary towe...
353661 An a&P repairman failed to give the FAA safety inspectors the correct manual revision...
353662 Air cargo aircraft flight crew scheduled for over 12 hours without a relief crew memb...
353669 An F16 was VFR on base leg for runway 26 after leaving a hung ordinance holding patte...
353670 Approach controller complaint about inaccurate WX information displayed on the bur AS...
353676 B727 had split flaps during extension causing inboard flaps to lock at about 15 degre...
353678 Air carrier medium large transport cleared sjc via direct oak, el nino 3 STAR sjc. FM...
353680 Cpr light transport off phl climbing to 5000 ft. Thinking cleared 10000 ft and helpin...
353681 MD11 on departure lgw in stormy WX conditions distraction by static discharge or poss...
353685 C172 traffic aircraft monitoring I-50 at 1400 ft below the class B airspace. Monitori...
353690 L1011 descending to 13000 ft using IAS mode of autoplt at idle power overshoots altit...
353693 C150 on night takeoff hit deer that launched aircraft into the air. Elected to contin...
353698 An air carrier ATR42 crew may have taken off on the wrong runway. There is some doubt...
353700 PA46 en route to blm had been advised by phl approach control they could not clear th...
353705 B727 encounters wake turbulence during departure from phl.
353708 Super MD80 noted no obstructions as they approached the gate. Marshaller guiding the ...
353710 S80 aircraft flight crew receives departure instructions that seem to contradict prop...
353713 Cpr DC9-15 ferry flight from eyw to fll declares minimum fuel emergency and requests ...
353714 As aircraft is cleared by tower to cross runway 6R at lax, captain notices another ai...
353715 MD88 FL350 navigating J6 to lrp. D-r message on FMS. Began manual tuning of VOR and c...
353720 DC9 level FL330 given frequency change to contact ZTL 126 pt 77. Failed to change fre...
353722 A C172 undergoing annual check does not have complete logs. And no verification of en...
353723 Cpr light transport on approach runway 6 abe is advised of traffic converging left to...
353729 Air carrier widebody transport freighter on approach to dfw. Flight crew discovered t...
353730 BE35 pilot receives traffic call over the VOR which is the FAF for his approach. The ...
353731 BE35 pilot has vors indicating on course but ATC says off course and vectors back ont...
353734 Approach controller says the ASOS was reporting inaccurate WX and had verified the ce...
353740 A private lear jet model 23 flight crew climbs 500 ft above their assigned altitude w...
353750 An air carrier flight crew of an medium large transport is informed that a passenger ...
353755 An air carrier ATR42 crew reports an aircraft equipment problem low engine oil pressu...
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