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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2001, 841 total |
503579 B767 engine spool-down during climb while fuel xfeed operation was in progress.
506940 An md-11 in cruise at fl 350 declared an emergency and diverted due to an electrical ...
509605 An ATP pilot is taken to task by an FAA inspector for installing 3 seats in his PA34,...
509607 Local controller report on a potential ground conflict due to a runway incursion at e...
509790 DC10 flight encounters the jetway while parking at the gate at ams, first officer.
509791 ARTCC controller at ZTL reports radio receiver breaks up with arrival from the northe...
509797 Highlighting a single runway incursion, a reporter comments on a recurring problem of...
509800 Distracted with passenger and interphone use an air carrier captain interprets a hold...
509803 An aircraft on approach to ktn, ak comments of spacing as another aircraft takes the ...
509810 B747-100 PIC suffers a heading track deviation when failing to compensate for a faile...
509811 A B737-200 was dispatched in noncompliance with the left start valve deferred inopera...
509812 PA28 pilot encountered parachute jumpers at 9g6. No NOTAMS were issued.
509820 BE18 on a short final to runway 19 at pwt, encounters a C150 on its climb out form th...
509822 B06 pilot was confused regarding taxi route after landing at night at jfk.
509825 A B737-800 on initial climb at 15000 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to smo...
509830 Altitude excursion by an A320 flight crew when their FMC system fails on frequency wi...
509832 ZDC misses MD80 readback and aircraft descends into conflict with level, en route B73...
509910 Runway incursion as an air carrier passes over the hold line for runway 22L at ord, i...
509911 BE17 incurs wing damage due to gusting winds on landing.
509912 DHC8 flight crew execute escape maneuver after receiving GPWS alert when in descent t...
509918 MD88 crew questioned the legality of the localizer runway 27 approach at san with the...
509926 At 500 ft AGL a landing B727 misses a kite by 50 ft that was stationed 1 mi east of r...
509933 B757 flight crew acknowledge ZBW descent clearance without challenge only later to be...
509940 B727 return land with a pressurization problem after takeoff from mia, fl.
509941 A B738 crew experienced excessive localizer deviation while flying a 'VFR' ILS to run...
509950 A potential conflict between an en route blimp and a DC8 flight on the localizer at s...
509953 SA226 mistakenly taxies on to runway 28R at boi, resulting in arriving F28 traffic ex...
509965 Sav controller concerned with ineffective facility administrative procedures.
510038 ZID controller misses conflict overtake between carj and B350.
510039 ZDC controller misjudges required separation and descends a B733 conflicting with a B...
510040 TCASII RA for an air carrier vectored for visual approach to runway 27R at phl, PA.
510043 DC10 crew had fuel imbal exceeding limits in ZLA class a airspace.
510044 C152, turning crosswind to downwind, takes evasive action to miss a PA28 at sdl.
510046 C560 crew, flying a SID, prematurely started climb to an intermediate altitude.
510050 A B737 PIC is unable to contact his company by VHF when near cpr, wy.
510053 C152 on short final alerts sdl of conflicting C172 on base, and takes evasive action.
510057 B767 flight crew makes evasive maneuver to follow traffic causing aircraft to questio...
510060 Near midair collision between a DC9 and an acrobatic aircraft doing a loop 4 mi west ...
510064 BE40 flight crew incur wingtip damage on landing bec.
510065 A citabria private pilot report on the difficulty encountered when landing runway 24 ...
510068 Local controller at sjc does not immediately notice that a departure on the runway is...
510070 A part 135 pilot, giving training to a new pilot, reported that he was unable to hold...
510073 Air carrier turbojet on STAR inbound to las has an near midair collision with flight ...
510080 Heading track deviation by an MD80 PIC when he used the turboprop arrival procedure o...
510130 Loss of traffic separation and communication frequency when a B757 flight crew change...
510134 GA pilot is involved in an near midair collision with a BE35 on short final to gwo af...
510138 A B737-200 was dispatched in non compliance with the left engine start valve deferred...
510140 Bos tower advises landing B738 to go around as B732 departs from intersecting runway....
510150 Altitude overshot by flight crew in a B737-800 when programming the FMS incorrectly o...
510154 B734 flight crew utilize previous day pre departure clearance and fly stored route in...
510155 BE58 pilot went to sleep in-flight while in ZZZ, us, class east airspace.
510160 ATCT local controller questions the flight crew of a B757 after takeoff as to their c...
510170 Wrong SID used, heading track deviation by an FA50 flight crew out of rno, nv.
510172 BE36 pilot has throttle vernier problems and descends below assigned altitude while c...
510179 B727 flight crew accept new departure clearance and encounter GPWS alert.
510180 Heading track deviation by a PA34 low time private pilot which created a loss of sepa...
510185 DC9 flight crew alerts eri tower of flare gun incident on 2 mi final.
510186 B733 encounters wake turbulence 3 times on departure from phx while following another...
510188 B733 flight crew initiate evasive TCASII action due to ZNY issued, VFR traffic operat...
510190 B727 crew had the gear unsafe light illuminated after extending the gear normally at ...
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