37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 2002, 849 total |
539894 ZID controller intrafac coordination does not clarify adjoining sectors clearance int...
539905 An air carrier report on flight crew behavior aggression in the cockpit towards a dea...
539907 Young passenger detained after landing when passenger exhibited aggression, yelling a...
539909 A300 pilot questions the airworthiness of the A300 aircraft after a recent air carrie...
539912 VFR departure procedures for an airborne IFR pickup as specified in the airline compa...
539920 Pilot blundered into prohibited airspace.
539958 A twin cessna pilot, on final to bna, was informed of a possible go around due to an ...
539960 Runway incursion by a prospective renter pilot of a C172 at fll, fl
539969 B727 initiates TCASII maneuver when overshooting runway 34L due to S56 vector spacing...
539971 Near midair collision when 1 of 2 C172's fail to exercise the see and avoid concept n...
539972 Reversion to basic airway VOR navigation by an A319 flight crew when they experience ...
539975 Lack of clarification of clearance by ZAU causes conflict between descending carj and...
539979 Loss of aircraft control occurs when a B747-400 runs into severe turbulence at FL310,...
539982 Taxiway incursion and ground controller's exaggerated response as a PA31 cargo pilot ...
539985 Emergency declared when the flight crew of a B757 receives an EICAS message of a trai...
539988 A B737-300 was returned to service in non compliance with the incorrect leading edge ...
539991 HS25 flight crew challenge L30 controller when heading causes TCASII maneuver.
539992 During takeoff roll on las runway 25R, B737 flight crew question tower about departur...
539994 Return land when an FK100 flight crew loses #2 engine during a flameout without a res...
540017 BE35 crosses tys runway 23L hold short line causing a go around.
540023 An MD80 was dispatched in non compliance with an incorrect hazardous material documen...
540026 P50 departure controller concerned with recurrent phx local controller misapplication...
540029 A C172 pilot, approaching hef, did a 360 degree turn to avoid a collision, when unabl...
540030 A C182 pilot 'VFR' in 'IMC.'
540072 A B757-200 was returned to service in non compliance with the #5 brake installed inco...
540085 An E145 restr captain made an approach to and landed below his restr minimums.
540095 A PA34 pilot, taxiing for takeoff at pdx, lined up with the runway edge line instead ...
540099 A320 captain insisted on getting a valid fuel sheet prior to departure.
540100 An airbus A300-600 on flight control check prior to takeoff experienced a violent fus...
540104 A300 crew and B747-400 almost collided when the foreign air carrier captain taxied to...
540105 An fgt crew, taxiing for takeoff at phx, misinterped their clearance and taxied acros...
540112 Instructor and student in a C182 have difficulty communicating request for touch and ...
540116 An small aircraft pilot mistook a black top portion of the runway as not being part o...
540117 B767 crew had a nose gear steering problem and reported nose gear fire while taxiing ...
540128 An SF34 crew, taxiing to gate at stl, taxied past a hold short line.
540133 ARTCC radar controller did not relay a turbulence PIREP to an en route flight in smoo...
540135 MD80 crew had a runway incursion at hou.
540138 PA32 pilot had a runway incursion at dxr.
540139 B757-200 crew would not accept vectors into intense convective activity on a controll...
540141 ARTCC radar controller misspeaks with a similar call sign situation and clears the wr...
540154 ZOA controller concerned with lost communication procedure change from present FAA to...
540174 B767 flight attendant reports an engine failure after takeoff at lax.
540178 A canadair cl-65 captain reports two consecutive emergencies declared caused by EICAS...
540184 An airbus 319 at 5000 ft experienced a dual failure of the flight control units. Loss...
540191 MD80. Snow plow almost entered runway as the crew accelerated past V1 at syr.
540192 F-100 ground crew would not push an aircraft from the gate with the engines running b...
540193 ARTCC radar controller issues a descent clearance to a wbound private jet that confli...
540197 A DC9 crew at FL350 is assigned FL340 and questions the controller as to the legality...
540202 B737-700 crew had altitude overshoot in ZKC class a airspace.
540205 A C525 crew, after landing at iad, were unsure if they were clear of the runway. (Pas...
540210 A B757-200 crew were advised by ATC that the flight plan filed was not the route they...
540214 A beech king air 200 was dispatched on a ferry flight in non compliance with far's wi...
540219 A B757-200 was dispatched in non compliance with #6 brake deferred item repaired but ...
540222 B737-800 crew, on short final to lax, received a 'too low flaps' aural warning, due t...
540225 B737-300 crew was not able to establish communication with the company contracted med...
540228 An medium large transport crew, departing power, exceeded the SID's turn radius restr...
540238 A B737 crew neglected to reset their altimeters, passing 18000 ft, during climb out, ...
540244 A B737-500 was dispatched in non compliance with an 'a' system electric hydraulic pum...
540251 A PC12 pilot, taxiing for takeoff at frg, missed the turn to the parallel taxiway and...
540252 Beech 35 pilot is stopped by tower controller from taxiing across active runway durin...
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