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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 1996, 599 total |
326770 A charter flight crew departed from the wrong runway. During the initial climb, the f...
326775 Operational error less than standard separation between a departing N265 off runway 4...
326776 The BE9F flight crew received numerous traffic calls while on a vector for a visual a...
326900 While departing van nuys airport on an IFR flight plan, the pilot of a light aircraft...
326901 The pilot attempted to takeoff with his elevator trim set to the full nose down. When...
326910 An air carrier first officer (PF) became distracted during cruise flight and intercep...
326976 The instructor and trainee during slow flight practice lost authority/authorized over...
326978 Emergency medical helicopter en route to hospital on VFR flight plan encountered IMC ...
326981 The flight instructor and student experienced a rough engine shortly after takeoff on...
326990 Flight crew exceeds WX deviation vector heading auths to avoid thunderstorms.
326991 A hot air balloon ride operator frightened some livestock when he landed in their fie...
326992 2 air carrier ground crews pushed their respective airplanes back into each other. Th...
326994 During cruise climb, an medium large transport flight crew had difficulty maintaining...
326997 Steam from smoke stack restricts tower visibility of runways.
327060 After aborted takeoff and clear of runway, flight crew instructed to expedite across ...
327070 A C172 was cleared for an ILS with the words, 'look for the ILS.' since the clearance...
327074 An air carrier flight crew shuts down the #2 engine when the oil pressure and quantit...
327075 Uncontrollable pressurization. Emergency descent and uneventful landing. No post flig...
327076 Small aircraft VFR takeoff entered IMC.
327080 ATC equipment problem radar ARTS IIIA tracking.
327150 Small aircraft pilot entered restr airspace when he tracked a radial from a VOR that ...
327158 An MD80 flight crew attempted takeoff with incorrectly configured flaps and slats. Af...
327160 B727 flight crew on descent has altitude deviation. Descends below assigned altitude.
327169 Inadequate fuel for enroute and destination WX conditions. Flight crew declared 'mini...
327170 An air carrier flight crew requested runway 34R after having being cleared for a visu...
327178 An armed escort with prisoner was aboard an air carrier aircraft. The flight and cabi...
327180 Flight crew failed to reset altimeter to qnh at 18000 ft. After landing contacted ATC...
327181 S80 flight crew has gear retract problem after takeoff. Return land.
327184 Commuter aircraft taxies to wrong runway. Controller revises clearance.
327185 While at cruise, the pilot of a BE35 experienced electrical problems. At the destinat...
327190 During initial climb, a commuter flight crew overshot their assigned altitude while p...
327194 A B737-200 taxied onto the stopway after landing. During rollout the flight crew had ...
327200 Flight crew of S80 aircraft has TCASII RA to descend.
327204 An air carrier FK10 flight crew failed to comply with a crossing restriction clearanc...
327208 The flight crew of a BE02 misjudged aircraft performance and spacing when they depart...
327209 'A' system hydraulic failure precluded lowering landing gear normally. Flight crew in...
327210 During a low altimeter period, an air carrier PF inadvertently set the altimeter 1 in...
327213 During cruise, an air carrier flight crew took evasive action when they received an R...
327220 DH8 flight crew was queried on new ATC frequency about their assigned altitude. The l...
327223 The reporter failed to hold short of the hold line at cle runway 23L. The tower told ...
327224 Shortly after takeoff, a commuter E120 flight crew was notified by the flight attenda...
327228 During climb out the start valve open light illuminated followed shortly by fire warn...
327232 A C177 pilot experienced a total electrical failure at night and approach controller ...
327235 Air carrier B757-200 WX vanes in strong wind on a slick surface and slides off of tax...
327237 A BE40 captain (PF) flew a high speed final approach and was reference plus 30 KTS ov...
327240 A pilot of an small aircraft helicopter inadvertently flew into a class D control zon...
327245 The reporter feels the fuel shutoff switches should be guarded better to assure they ...
327260 While on a training flight, a student in an small aircraft misunderstood altitude ass...
327290 A PA28 pilot crossed the active runway after receiving a clearance to taxi to the sam...
327293 B767 flight crew aborts takeoff due to traffic crossing the departure runway.
327296 After touchdown, a DC9 flight crew experienced a severe vibration and the aircraft sw...
327297 After reducing power, throttle wouldn't respond to power increase. Aircraft landed in...
327300 Captain (PF) overshot assigned altitude when he became distraction looking for an int...
327314 B737-400 slides off icy taxiway while maneuvering around parked sanding truck. Power ...
327320 The flight crew took off with RVR reported to be 1200 and the minimum RVR is 1600 whe...
327323 Pilot notices an abnormally low oil pressure. The oil temperature remained normal and...
327326 Medium large transport flight crew makes hard landing. Aircraft damaged.
327328 E120 flight crew received a left main landing gear unsafe light when gear was selecte...
327330 B757 flight crew takes direct heading to IAF which takes them off the airway. Control...
327340 S80 flight crew has TCASII RA and takes evasive action as they sight a homebuilt taki...
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