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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 1997, 819 total |
361680 Altitude deviation altitude overshot in B757. PIC hand flying and was distracted. PIC...
361828 Airbus A320 made an emergency descent from FL370 due to failure of both modes of the ...
361831 A controller cleared a C152 into position and hold behind a departing B757. The C152 ...
361900 A GA pilot of an small aircraft takes off VFR in IMC conditions. He assumed that the ...
361903 Complicated arrival chart plus interfacility communication breakdown, reporter captai...
361904 A B747 air carrier freighter flight crew crossed the hold line for runway 10L without...
362013 An air carrier B737-200, departure traffic on runway 8 at hilo has conflict with a C1...
362017 Rotary winged traffic makes an emergency off airport landing when its engine fails at...
362020 A B737-500 during maintenance had the crew oxygen bottle valve closed and was not reo...
362030 PIC of S80 requests block of FL370 to FL390 for getting out of rough air. ARTCC radar...
362033 DC9 has faulty engine indications that were not consistent with aircraft performance ...
362040 Air carrier large transport PIC does not follow taxi route as given by ground control...
362050 Pilot report of not having required rest period after exceeding 8 hours of flight tim...
362051 Flight crew of an B737-200 failed to turn as directed shortly after takeoff at the MM...
362052 C560XL in descent, altitude deviation altitude overshot. First officer was writing no...
362054 An ARTCC radar controller cleared an air carrier B737 to descend to FL250, however, t...
362060 Near midair collision between a C172 and an ultralight at a non tower airport. Ultra ...
362064 Pilot report on the fdc NOTAM files and how out of date they are plus the lapse betwe...
362066 Reporter and developmental local controller missed readback of aircraft #1 to hold sh...
362177 Air carrier medium large transport in IMC at 7000 ft got a TCASII RA from another air...
362178 An air carrier DC9-50 crew had to divert land with a pressurization problem. Emergenc...
362180 BE33 landed at jef without contacting the tower.
362185 B757 strikes bridge that crosses over taxiway and damages top of rudder at den.
362190 B757 taxied 200 ft past new hold short lines for runway 8. Pilot had forgotten about ...
362200 Small aircraft strayed from the biltmore class B transition corridor when his HSI pre...
362209 B17 flight crew was unaware they were to take off and maintain VFR until receiving IF...
362210 A B24 bomber filed an IFR flight plan cew to pns. They received a clearance and a voi...
362212 Aircraft equipment problem. Smoke from autoplt panel. Circuit breakers pulled, smoke ...
362216 Waco ymf taxied across runway and C172 on approach had to evade.
362220 B727-200 dispatcher intended to increase taxi fuel from 700 pounds to 1100 pounds. In...
362221 An air carrier L1011 crew experienced unusually rapid climbs and dives in turbulence....
362229 B737-300 received an erroneous GPWS terrain warning and climbed per company procedure...
362238 A B757 was dispatched overwater with both FMS's deferred and placarded inoperative du...
362250 Approach controller questions altitude and rate of descent of DC8 freighter as aircra...
362251 Pilot of a fairchild merlin IIIB, SW2 descended below assigned altitude due to inadve...
362252 A lear 35 had a partial flight instrument failure in solid IMC. The first officer sus...
362260 An air carrier flight crew on a B737 cross radds intersection too high when the capta...
362266 Pilot of a cpr beech 200 observed a commuter beech 1900 taxi out to use an unfavored ...
362270 Cprp mdt flight crew has problem with climb clearance. Both pilots believe ATC cleare...
362276 ATR42 flight crew on instrument approach told that tower is closing after they have r...
362280 Medium large transport flight crew has delay at end of runway with engines shut down....
362282 A300 flight crew is notified by cabin attendant that a passenger is smoking in the la...
362283 An air carrier MD80 super 80 flight crew initially aligns their aircraft with the run...
362288 An air carrier B727-200 flight crew departs the taxiway when the captain bent down to...
362289 Pilot on IFR flight plan lands after switching to CTAF and fails to close flight plan...
362290 Commuter flight crew does not maintain runway heading after departure. First officer ...
362293 Bonanza pilot on practice ILS approach is told he landed without clearance. Pilot and...
362294 Light transport commuter flight crew has altitude deviation during procedure turn on ...
362298 Air carrier medium large transport receives TCASII RA and descent command due to clim...
362300 Pilot deviation when cargo A300 climbed through assigned altitude of FL210 and confli...
362301 Operational error occurred when reporter vectored PA31 in close proximity to C5 in co...
362310 An instructor and student pilot in a C172 encountered lowering cloud cover that was n...
362312 An air carrier MD83 flight crew hits moderate clear air turbulence and the aircraft p...
362320 An air carrier BA32 first officer flew without having his pilot's license or medical ...
362330 C402 on a cargo flight was cleared maintain 5000 ft. Thought ok for VOR DME 20 approa...
362394 PA28 on ILS 14 cleared to land runway 14 outside frikk OM. Clear of clouds at 500 ft ...
362396 Cpr light transport, FL370, encountered cumulus cloud tops resulting in altitude devi...
362399 Air carrier medium large transport on vector runway 15 got GPWS warning account high ...
362402 A C560 climbing through FL402 experienced loud main cabin door seal pressure leak. De...
362408 Ercoupe cruising at 2500 ft on a 345 degree heading saw piper cherokee on 100 degree ...
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