465776   Captain has second thoughts about having flown with a cargo net reported less than id...
468755   DHC8-200 landing gear would not retract after takeoff when maintenance left 'landing ...
471155   TCASII RA and airspace entry without clearance in pdx class C airspace.
471160   First officer missed programmed FMC of a B737-500 during descent causing an undershoo...
471166   Flight crew of air carrier X responded to approach controller heading clearance for a...
471247   ARTCC controller failed to provide legal separation of a climbing SF34 and a B757 des...
471252   Flight crew of a DC9 failed to hold short of runway during taxi in after landing at d...
471256   A twin engined private pilot loses a wheel and strut on takeoff from msfe and diverts...
471260   A C152 instructor pilot chooses to divert to sonoma valley airport during a cross cou...
471424   MD80 crew arrives at destination with fuel distribution non standard because during d...
471430   Flight crew of a saab, SF340, were advised by stl tower supervisor to not stop on tax...
471432   A B737 flight crew reports frequent failures of emergency instrument panel lighting.
471434   Crew concerned that they flew an approach to iah that was not authority/authorized by...
471440   An MD83 captain reported an unsafe nose gear indication while on approach to lax. The...
471450   Turbulence encounter at 37000 ft resulting in injury to paxand cabin attendant crew.
471452   After FAA inspector ramp check of a DC9-32, where in the emergency lighting system wa...
471463   Air carrier sets altitude instead of heading when new clearance is received. Altitude...
471468   An E120 captain suddenly lost aircraft pressurization at 17000 ft, in the vicinity of...
471470   ARTCC controller failed to maintain standard separation between a B737-300 climbing t...
471480   An SF340 first officer was the PF during approach to dfw. He became distracted by the...
471489   Air carrier crew elects to depart without takeoff performance numbers for the runway ...
471494   ARTCC controller failed to provide handoff for a B737-300.
471497   Approach controller turned a B737 during descent to provide separation from a B757 cl...
471500   Near midair collision near prescott, az.
471502   Receiving flight crew discovers placard missing on arriving aircraft and points it ou...
471504   ARTCC controller fails to make handoff of a B737-300 to the next ARTCC facility secto...
471519   Approach controller complaint of ATC procedure for permitting practice ILS approach w...
471520   Altitude overshoot during descent toward dtw, mi.
471606   An atx beaver pilot runs out of gas on his return trip takeoff from the lake airport ...
471615   An atx pilot raises his landing gear instead of retracting the flaps while on the rol...
471620   A mooney pilot lands with his gear not fully extended when he returns lands with an e...
471624   Flight crew of a B727-200 inadvertently taxied beyond taxiway barriers during taxi ou...
471630   Flight crew of a canadair, CL65, failed to descend in time to make crossing altitude ...
471640   First officer of a lockheed 1011 canceled a caution warning light during initial clim...
471643   B767-200 crew has lightning strike during departure resulting in temporary loss of au...
471646   ARTCC controller failed to provide standard separation of a B757 descending through a...
471658   B737 flying an RNAV approach to iah, tx, takes wrong vector heading so never intercep...
471660   Flight crew of a B727-200 inadvertently entered restr airspace while being vectored a...
471661   Flight crew of a cpr 1125 astra jet took evasive action to avoid a military C5 crossi...
471663   A B727 crew inbound to mem did not comply with controller's instruct to follow B727 f...
471666   A DHC6-300 PIC report on the loss of aircraft control and runway excursion on takeoff...
471668   B737 flight crew misinterped clearance and taxied across runway. Aircraft on final is...
471670   Parked B737 claims moving B747 was so close that the wingtip passed over the B737 coc...
471680   Company check pilot acting as flying first officer overshot leveloff altitude due to ...
471684   Pilot of a beech duke, BE60, declared an emergency due to low fuel at the end of an I...
471687   MO20T pilot concerned with mia approach sequencing.
471723   A B737 flight crew crosses over an active runway 29L at tus, az.
471724   An air carrier flight crew crosses over the hold short line for runway 22 at taxiway ...
471726   A private pilot of a PA28R-200 has difficulty in finding the FBO where he had parked ...
471727   B737 crew at pit was cleared into position and hold runway 28C while an aircraft at t...
471730   A B727 flight crew gets into a contentious position with the controller at ZDC when a...
471731   A B757-200 is mandated to return land after experiencing a compressor stall at 6000 f...
471732   2 C172-south see and avoid each other during a last min evasive action climb descent ...
471738   A C182 aircraft takes the runway after tower controller cleared him into position and...
471740   A B737-300 flight crew accepts and acknowledged a clearance from 12000 ft to 10000 ft...
471750   A F27 has 3 consecutive reports of smoke and smoke alarm in the aft cabin lavatory be...
471753   An A300 cargo flight encounters and ingests some birdsin the #1 engine. Aircraft retu...
471763   A B757-200 returns and lands at dfw after there is a flight attendant report of an ac...
471766   A DHC6-300 PIC report on the loss of aircraft control and runway excursion on takeoff...
471770   A CL65-rj flight overshoots its assigned altitude when the captain, PF, reads back th...