37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2001, 789 total |
530058 B737-900 crew taxied past the runway hold short paint markings in sfo.
530062 Phl approach controller incorrectly judges climbing giv separation from an en route B...
530066 PA28 instructor and student had clearance to cross a runway. The student stopped shor...
530073 EMB145 crew maneuvered to avoid birds on final approach at dfw.
530075 A 'small aircraft' pilot violated a tfr involving a power plant.
530078 Passenger in non compliance with use of ped's in-flight and other suspicious activiti...
530089 An sa 227 metropolitan liner on initial climb at 700 ft declared an emergency and div...
530090 Small aircraft pilot inadvertently flew into a temporary restr airspace during a pipe...
530095 ATC approach controller questions assigned altitude which had been previously issued ...
530096 A DC9-30 elevator tab bolt washer found interfering with tab movement is removed and ...
530097 The taxiway stopway ramp area where runway 8R and runway 4 converge at el paso, tx, r...
530099 BE1900 crew and EMB120 had less than legal separation in ZDC class east airspace.
530101 Clt departure controller concerned that DA20, departing opposite direction to inbound...
530103 A C152 pilot, out of sequence on short final at myf, was accused by tower of causing ...
530113 An ultralight aircraft at 800 ft had the engine fail and made an off-field landing in...
530115 A helicopter windshield crack was repaired out of the limits allowed in the srm. Caus...
530122 C340 pilot flew in IMC with no clearance in ZSE class G airspace.
530126 A lear 60 reports thrust reverser accumulator system over-pressure but is not reporte...
530129 A light cargo aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft when in proximity of a p...
530141 An approach is abandoned when multiple factors come together to raise the confusion f...
530145 PA31 pilot requested priority handling because of an engine problem.
530148 A beech F90 at 11000 ft diverted due to loss of left engine propeller control. Diffic...
530149 B757-200 crew had less than legal separation with a small aircraft flying in the clou...
530150 MD80 crew was required to shut down an engine because the fuel heat pneumatic valve w...
530159 A medium large transport on takeoff roll began to veer to the right at 90 knots. Tak...
530163 During after flight self analysis a private pilot worries that he may not have done t...
530164 Frequency congestion prevents a timely position report by arriving aircraft to the to...
530165 A GA aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft when in proximity of a power plan...
530176 An A320 check airman's report on the incompatibility of the aircraft's FMS-FMGC to co...
530178 After an FSS briefing a GA aircraft is intercepted by a government aircraft when in p...
530180 B737 crew turns to incorrect heading after takeoff.
530187 BE20 crew was given confusing clearance to taxi clear of runway 13 in the area of tax...
530190 A DC8-70 during maintenance test of the altitude alert system the technician discover...
530195 An ATP rated pilot loses spatial orientation in IMC resulting in momentary loss of ai...
530198 A B727-200 in cruise at FL270 has inadvertent shutdown of #2 engine. Restart manual.
530205 C182 pilot, departing bdl VFR, had an near midair collision with an A-10.
530219 A B737-400 was operated in non compliance with a required time limited fuselage skin ...
530226 An A319 crew, departing las, turned prematurely creating an intercept course with pre...
530227 A C182 pilot taxied past the hold short line during taxi for takeoff at fmn.
530228 PA28 instructor and student were accused of dumping chemical liquid from the aircraft...
530229 An small aircraft VFR pilot, while in level flight, had an near midair collision with...
530230 A B737-300 in cruise at FL350 declared an emergency and diverted due to first officer...
530233 A B738 crew, shortly after departing bdl, experienced the cabin altitude warning alon...
530235 Small aircraft pilot inadvertently entered temporary restr airspace while circling a ...
530236 A B738 crew, departing msp, could not raise the nose landing gear.
530238 A carj crew on approach to cyyz, were unable to attain full flaps for landing.
530263 A C172 pilot, while on approach to cxy, had an near midair collision with another sma...
530268 A B757 flight crew belatedly corrects an error in the logbook related to a deferred r...
530270 After a partial FSS briefing, a VFR GA aircraft on an airway is advised that he was i...
530272 A B763 crew, on approach to dfw, experienced a 'too low gear' GPWS warning.
530285 A PA28 flight instructor and student, while on a GPS approach, descended prematurely ...
530287 A B732 crew, climbing through FL317 to maintain FL350, was told by ATC to maintain FL...
530288 An E145 crew, arriving lbb, in WX, having experienced numerous runway changes, execut...
530290 A BE35 pilot, experiencing a longer than planned flight, declared an emergency due to...
530293 SA227 crew and BE1900 had less than legal separation at mygf.
530297 An small aircraft pilot violated a tfr involving a major open air assembly of people.
530299 B737-200 crew accepted a 'visual approach' and did not have the airport in sight at m...
530302 A B733 crew, descending into las on the profile descent, kept descending on the profi...
530305 B737-300 flight crew in cruise at FL290, made an emergency descent and diverted due t...
530314 ZHU controller questions SF34 flight crew's flown routing as different from the filed...
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