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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for December 1990, 425 total |
166469 Air carrier widebody transport had to shut engine down due to an overheated CSD that ...
166479 Air carrier widebody transport overshot turn on for final approach to runway 24L at l...
166484 Small aircraft pilot encounters deteriorating WX. Denied SVFR landing clearance. Decl...
166485 Cargo flight taxied off ramp area covered with snow.
166495 Air carrier on initial climb stops turn to assigned heading due sighting of close tra...
166502 Air carrier X had near midair collision, less than standard separation from fgt's Y. ...
166507 Air carrier descends below published altitude on approach.
166512 Air carrier using SID climbs above published altitude, penetrates VFR transition rout...
166516 VFR pilot encounters deteriorating WX, requests vectors for ILS approach.
166517 Traffic watch aircraft circling accident scene requested to leave area by sheriff.
166518 Cpr Y had less than standard separation from air carrier X. System error.
166528 After takeoff aircraft would not pressurize. Return land and found radar acces door o...
166529 Commuter flight aligns aircraft with runway edge lights believing it is centerline li...
166534 Air carrier flight crew discovers incorrect weight manifest after departure.
166535 GA small transport gear up landing at mmu.
166537 Pilot on lda approach with right seat pilot passenger assisting with radio work, turn...
166540 Commuter light transport diverted to alternate because a fuel imbalance developed tha...
166547 Small aircraft requests IFR pop up clearance to descend through clouds. Descends belo...
166548 Possible electronic emissions interfering with navigation of aircraft. Heading track ...
166551 Air carrier medium large transport had a tail pipe fire during engine start. Aircraft...
166557 Atx X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. Analyst estimated 1 mile ...
166558 Air carrier X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error.
166568 Altitude excursion when pms malfunctioned and pilot slow to respond.
166569 Loss of cabin pressurization. Descended to lower altitude with clearance.
166578 Air carrier medium large transport started to drift sideways across the runway after ...
166580 Air carrier large transport made a takeoff using RVR minimums but he used a runway wi...
166584 Small transport X assigned altitude below MVA. System error.
166585 Air carrier large transport failed to follow minimum equipement list requirement.
166588 Air carrier medium large transport completed an IAP ILS approach to ewr in WX reporte...
166595 Pilot taxies off ramp to avoid a vehicle he thought was coming towards him, ended up ...
166596 Potential conflict between two air carrier aircraft. Non comply with speed restrictio...
166597 Small transport air ambulance lost a wheel some place between takeoff from roa sna la...
166602 Air carrier large transport had an engine failure on takeoff icb from ind. Flight cre...
166604 Cpr small transport flown without complying with minimum equipment list requirement.
166606 Flight crew of large transport in climb determined they had rapid fuel leak. Declared...
166607 Air carrier flight crew accused of operating above FL250 with only one pilot in the c...
166620 Flight crew of commuter started approach with RVR reported below minimums, landed whe...
166627 Small aircraft X cut out another aircraft in the traffic pattern by lining up for the...
166628 On takeoff on snowy runway with snow banks, aircraft veered, flight crew attempted ao...
166633 Flight crew of medium large transport made autoland approach at 150 AGL disconnected ...
166634 Plastic grip separates from yoke as aircraft is on downwind.
166649 Air carrier widebody transport engine failure during takeoff. Takeoff abort.
166676 Pilot lost control of GA small aircraft and skidded into a snow bank on landing at gl...
166692 Emergency locater transmitter signal heard through all communication frequencys. Post...
166693 Atx light transport landed at efd in WX reported below airport minimums for landing.
166697 Aircraft experienced aileron control binding problem. Declared an emergency.
166701 Medium large transport landed and both engines flamed out. Aircraft successfully brou...
166702 Flight crew of light transport map when controller advised they were off approach cou...
166703 Flight crew of light transport taxied without obtaining tower ground controller clear...
166707 Aircraft leveled off at the wrong altitude which placed the aircraft below the MVA fo...
166711 Cargo large transport spotted vehicle on runway and made a go around. Tower notified ...
166716 Flight crew of widebody transport making infamous stadium visual approach had distrac...
166718 Reporter newly checked in widebody transport reverts in schedule back to large transp...
166720 Flight crew of medium large transport made an NDB approach to buf using out of date m...
166728 Light transport departing dfw had smoke pod cap illuminate. Flight crew was vectored ...
166739 Large transport X departed on an occupied runway.
166740 Aircraft equipped with TCAS ii had traffic warning, indicating climb. Flight crew cli...
166745 Aerobatic team had conflict with small transport scheduled air carrier small transpor...
166750 Pilot violated the speed restriction on the profile descent clearance.
166761 Air carrier medium large transport makes an unexpected missed approach as flight crew...
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