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ASRS Reports for November 1998, 777 total |
419727 Pilot of an aeronautical commander 560 inadvertently raised the main landing gear dur...
419729 Flight crew of a B757 overshot assigned altitude during climb on an IOE check ride.
419735 Flight crew of a DC3 made unauthorized crossing of an active runway during taxi in af...
419737 Flight crew of an MD83 exceeded the aircraft performance limitations as a result of i...
419744 Private pilot of an sel small aircraft took evasive action by making a right descendi...
419746 Attempting to provide service to an air carrier B737 due to in-flight WX, ZAU control...
419750 Private pilot of a beech bonanza BE35 failed to have clearance to cross a runway duri...
419759 Reporter copied ASRS on a letter to a county commissioner. Airport auths do not want ...
419760 A relief flight crew member was added to an international flight to assure that prese...
419762 United states airline pilot comments regarding child safety belts used in foreign cou...
419768 Instructor pilot on training flight with student in a C172 observed a north american ...
419770 Light transport twin cargo aircraft struck a taxiway light with the right side propel...
419776 Cabin attendant report regarding an evacuate/evacuation at the gate when smoke began ...
419780 An medium large transport commercial fixed wing aircraft was dispatched and operated ...
419786 Flight attendant report regarding an A300 engine with oil pressure problems which dev...
419791 B737 hits deer after landing at roc.
419794 During an assigned climb, ARTCC radar controller gave an immediate left turn to repor...
419796 Instructor pilot on a night cross country in a C172 turned back to return to home bas...
419797 Medium large transport crew was issued LLWAS warning. Crew executed a go around.
419799 L1011 crew had an electrical fire behind the circuit breaker panel 'panel 3, at circu...
419800 Pilot of a beech king air F90 experienced altimeter failure after takeoff causing the...
419810 A B767-200 receives command to line up and wait on runway 25R at fra, first officer. ...
419812 An MD83 on arrival at ewr was found to have a damaged left wing caused by either a bi...
419820 A B737 flight crew experiences a heading track position deviation during the STAR arr...
419821 Flight crew of an medium large transport stopped descent during arrival in response t...
419823 Aircraft #1 (aircraft X) was cleared for takeoff on runway 19L. At the same time airc...
419825 Teb tower observes situation between local controller and ground controller, controll...
419833 EA30 incurs on active runway after brakes fail at sea.
419835 GA pilot with little flight time encounters multiple layers of IMC during controller ...
419839 A DC9 on initial climb at 1500 ft diverted due to stall warning lights and horn on th...
419840 ATCT local controller experiences radar failure during intrafac coordination radar ma...
419844 Pilot instructor in a C172RG practicing for an FAA check ride misinterped tower instr...
419860 Flight crew of an medium large transport believed that they had been cleared to a hig...
419868 ARTCC cerap radar controller, providing OJT, misses incorrect pilot clearance readbac...
419870 Pilot of an small transport twin inadvertently penetrated a restr airspace during a c...
419873 B757 takes evasive action in response to TCASII RA on final approach to san.
419874 B757 crew descending inbound to san has problem when the armed localizer starts the a...
419878 GA C172 pilot erroneously entered IMC conditions on VFR flight plan near atl, GA. Pil...
419880 Flight crew inadvertently turned 2 mi earlier while on the SID, which placed them in ...
419884 EA31 stops short of runway to avoid landing aircraft after being cleared to cross run...
419886 ARTCC radar controller informed flight crew of an medium large transport that they ha...
419890 Air taxi aircraft unable to contact dtw TRACON until after IFR void time.
419896 Anc TRACON controller attempted to change approach sequencing to put a lifeguard BE20...
419899 Military controller, providing approach control services to civil airport, unable to ...
419909 C550 flight crew exceeds speed limit below atl class B airspace.
419912 E120 crew taxied into position without clearance.
419915 MD80 requests descent to FL280 due to WX. The controller inputs FL290 into computer d...
419916 B747 crew crossed an active runway without clearance.
419920 There seems to be a lack of clear and concise communication between the tower and the...
419922 Flight crew of a british BA32 thought that they were cleared for takeoff and started ...
419923 Pilot of an small aircraft taxiing in to FBO is cleared to taxi 'straight ahead' foll...
419926 An large transport commercial fixed wing aircraft on initial climb discovered the sta...
419929 A B737-200 in cruise at FL350 requested an emergency descent to FL280 then to 10000 f...
419930 Flight crew of a B737 descended during climb due to TCASII RA. After the RA happened ...
419940 A B747 from jfk to anc signed for and carried hazmat. The next day the crew learned t...
419947 A C152 and another cessna aircraft had an near midair collision in the newport beach ...
419950 ATCT local controller does not observe piper arrow land with gear up. Controller dist...
419957 Out of las, a pilot of a BE200 took off using the runway edge lights instead of the c...
419960 Less than the applicable separation minima resulted between 2 aircraft. Failure to en...
419965 Flight crew of a canadair CL65 climbed in response to a TCASII RA when head-on traffi...
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