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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1998, 777 total |
419972 ATCT controller at ewr states he is required to control aircraft in areas not visible...
419977 KC135 crew deviates from assigned track due to data input error in navigation system ...
419979 Flight crew of a C550 learned after the flight that the FAA was investigating the fli...
419980 A DC10-30 was released for service after an engine change with the required fan vibra...
419982 Flight crew of B727, while on approach, had to take evasive action to miss another ai...
419985 Flight attendant report regarding haze and a smell in the cabin during climb. Captain...
419990 Reporter's aircraft overshot the VOR. They made a correction to reintercept the 329 d...
419994 A lear 25 in climb at FL190 diverted and shut down #2 engine due to erratic dc genera...
419998 Flight attendant report regarding a sick child allowed aboard an oceanic flight. Medi...
420000 AA5 instructor pilot taxies without clearance at mlb.
420002 Medium large transport flight crew inbound to crp were cleared for a visual approach ...
420005 On approach to ord runway 22L, a B737 flight crew receive notification of a LLWAS mic...
420009 While being vectored for an ILS approach, reporter's aircraft (X) came within close p...
420010 While on approach to ord, a B737 flight crew is alerted of a microburst on final and ...
420017 MD80 crew reviews departure path with dca TRACON after government agency claims fligh...
420020 An MD11 on initial climb at 3000 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to a flap ...
420022 Radar controller at far states approach control radar is OTS for about 1 week because...
420028 PA23 diverts to alternate airport with broken fuel selector in ZNY airspace.
420029 B737 crew taxied off the taxiway hard surface into the dirt.
420037 B737 crew missed 'expect' portion of descent clearance. ARTCC did not catch the error...
420046 Flight crew of a cessna citation ii C550 failed to hold short of runway during taxi f...
420050 Owner and first officer of a learjet 25 lost control of the aircraft in a turn result...
420051 Captain of an medium large transport landed after the tower issued go around instruct...
420058 An MD83 on flare at 50 ft AGL had the stall warning aural, stick shaker, and stick pu...
420059 An near midair collision is avoided when 2 B727's maneuver away from each other north...
420060 C172 pilot taxied without receiving taxi clearance.
420062 Newly instrument rated private pilot of a C172 turned inbound on the localizer before...
420065 C170 pilot concerned that he may have landed VFR with field in IMC in dan airspace.
420066 A commercial fixed wing mdt fleet was dispatched with improper flight plans caused by...
420067 A B737-200 in climb at FL350 had the cabin pressure fail and required an immediate de...
420068 A B737-300 parked prior to departure had the cabin fill with white vapor with an unus...
420069 Flight crew erroneously entered rvsm airspace without the proper minimum required fli...
420074 Pilot of a glider towing aircraft ran out of fuel during climb while towing a glider ...
420076 PA24 pilot encounters unexpected poor WX at destination and diverts to alternate in s...
420077 B767 captain was required to exercise emergency authority/authorized to deviate aroun...
420080 Instrument student in an sel small aircraft climbed above assigned altitude during ho...
420085 An EMB120 while back taxiing on runway and preparing for a 180 degree turn, the aircr...
420087 Aircraft missed intended highspd turnoff. Turnoff taken was closed resulting in aircr...
420090 Flight crew of a lockheed 1011 tri-STAR failed to make crossing restr during a STAR a...
420100 Captain new to the canadair CL65 regional jet landed overweight due to not considerin...
420101 MD88 crew had a TCASII RA while on final at iah.
420107 MD80. Crew, under direction from a ground marshaller and 2 wing walkers hit a caterin...
420110 A320 crew diverts to emergency field after mex field closes due to disabled aircraft ...
420115 Air carrier turboprop aircraft taxies beyond runway hold line without clearance at cl...
420120 Flight crew of a citation vii 650 taxies across a runway after being instructed to ho...
420130 B737 flight crew received multiple heading and altitude clrncs during takeoff and ini...
420132 CL65 takes evasive action as another aircraft lines up with their runway in mci airsp...
420134 A B737-200 on initial climb at 100 ft AGL declared an emergency and diverted due to l...
420136 A B767-300 crew wants clarification on what 'sufficient visual cues' means to the fli...
420140 An atx light transport overshot its assigned altitude during a descent procedure into...
420143 A C414 pilot cannot find his approach plate for acj, GA, airport and diverts to lgc, ...
420146 An air carrier medium large transport PIC admits to an altitude deviation altitude ov...
420147 An air carrier medium large transport leaves FL350 for FL360 after receiving a TCASII...
420149 An air carrier medium large transport PIC taxies his aircraft across an active runway...
420150 A commercial fixed wing light transport taxiing in the terminal gate area inadvertent...
420151 An ATR42 in cruise at 14000 ft diverted due to #1 engine power surging and #2 engine ...
420156 BL30 pilot began to lose engine oil, while doing aerobatics.
420158 An L1011 PIC report of an near midair collision with a single engine piper type aircr...
420160 A commercial fixed wing medium large transport was dispatched with unscreened baggage...
420170 A CFI's report on his inadvertent unauthorized penetration of airspace, the class D o...
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