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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1998, 777 total |
421102 A swearingen merlin iva with TPE331-10UA engines had 1 engine out of compliance due t...
421103 Flight crew of a cessna citation ii C550 overshot SID crossing fix altitude during de...
421104 Widebody transport cargo crew misset their altimeters 1 inch low when going through t...
421108 TRACON approach controller issue DH8 crossing BE58 traffic. DH8 reports traffic in si...
421110 2 MD88's in class a airspace had a coordination TCASII RA.
421111 Because of inadequate separation, MD80 into atl encountered wake turbulence at 100 ft...
421113 DC10 crew shut down #1 engine.
421117 B757 had passenger injury when aircraft encountered climb air turbulence on climb out...
421120 An approach controller claims that an aircraft factory located on sav airport and nea...
421121 EA32 overshot the turn to final while conducting an automated approach.
421123 ATCT controller at sav states that a new crash fire rescue equipment building on the ...
421124 Air carrier turbojet descends below approach procedure altitude in san airspace.
421126 LR24 crew takes evasive action to avoid departing traffic at cnw.
421130 Air carrier pilot exceeds 16 hour duty day at geg.
421135 C750 crew experiences gross navigation error in czqx airspace after entering wrong la...
421136 B737 crew ascends through cleared altitude after ATC miscom.
421143 Small aircraft and cessna light twin had near midair collision as the small aircraft ...
421147 Unknown aircraft crew did not have aircraft properly configured hydraulically for lan...
421148 CL65 crew did not turn when called for by the arrival STAR.
421150 Pilot of experimental aircraft executes go around after lining up with wrong runway a...
421151 BE02 crew was almost hit by a PA28 during back taxi to runway.
421159 A DHC8-200 climbing through FL180 declared an emergency and diverted due to #1 engine...
421160 PA28 student pilot on takeoff roll distraction by tower transmission at baf.
421161 Reporter contends that climbing VFR aircraft Y turned without notice into aircraft X,...
421167 While providing vectors to an aircraft in distress, a TRACON approach controller acce...
421168 SF34 wing strikes parked vehicle while under marshaller control at msp.
421169 ARTCC radar controller receives complaint from transiting aircraft when issued traffi...
421180 Flight attendant report regarding a diversion of an S80 due to a sick passenger.
421181 Pilot notes charting error in ZMP airspace.
421186 DC10 crew flew departure SID versus runway heading on departure at las. They had an n...
421190 C172 pilot landed without obtaining landing clearance.
421191 PA28 pilot had high oil temperature and low oil pressure. He made an emergency landin...
421197 Cpr pilot of AC690 erroneously deviated from assigned altitude in turbulence on appro...
421199 GA instructor pilot erroneously entered IMC conditions on takeoff with VFR flight pla...
421200 B737 overshot altitude on descent after ATC changed clearance in ZTL airspace.
421206 Single engine IFR aircraft pilot takes evasive action to avoid IFR departing traffic ...
421210 Pre departure clearance confusion exposes flight crew to deviation from cleared depar...
421212 Controller descended an aircraft so that they had less than legal separation.
421213 A grumman aai on approach at 1100 ft declared an emergency due to engine fuel starvat...
421214 PA31 pilot had runway incursion at huf.
421218 CH9 student pilot with instructor experiences propeller strike on landing at myf.
421220 Erroneous interpretation of ACARS pre departure clearance increased flight crew and c...
421222 MD80 crew declared an emergency to avoid convective activity.
421230 A B737 crew was given a crossing restr on a STAR into dfw.
421232 PA27 experiences turbulence and loss of altitude in ZNY airspace.
421239 AA1 and C177 had near midair collision at an uncontrolled airport. AA1 pilot then cau...
421240 Light aircraft pilot entered class D airspace without proper clearance at vrb.
421242 Pilot of piper cherokee noticed shortly after takeoff from cos that aircraft performa...
421249 Reporter complained about both lax tower and TRACON issuing numerous changes to the f...
421253 Landing gear failed to extend. Emergency landing at siler city, nc, gear up with smok...
421260 MD80 and a PA32 had less than legal separation.
421270 EA30 captain reports a violation of far 121 pt 471(B), crew rest requirements.
421272 Sfo tower controller directed airbus 319 to turn to avoid terrain while flight crew w...
421277 Medium large transport first officer was medically incapacitated during a cruise clim...
421280 An rjcl-65 descended to 11000 ft MSL. After leveloff, center controller disputed orig...
421289 Flight attendant report regarding an encounter with turbulence during climb on a B757...
421290 A B747F was dispatched with hazmat without the required documentation.
421294 Flight attendant report regarding an engine shutdown on a B727 at cruise. The flight ...
421295 A DC8-63 was dispatched with an open log report on a 3500 pound fuel discrepancy betw...
421300 Flight attendant report regarding an extremely unruly passenger who confronted the pu...
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