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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1998, 777 total |
420175 An MD80 was dispatched and operated one day over the time allowed for deferment of an...
420180 2 dispatcher reports on the problems of obtaining and dispersing the latest NOTAMS an...
420185 A BA31 in climb at 14500 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to sudden failure ...
420188 Flight crew of a B737-400 avoids conflict with another air carrier by taking timely a...
420189 ARTCC controller handling approachs into ktn did not receive timely information that ...
420190 B757 aircraft crew with similar call sign responded erroneously to controller assigne...
420197 C172 and a PA44 had less than legal separation when PA44 landed on occupied runway.
420198 A loss of separation occurred when controller allowed a B757 at FL410 to come within ...
420200 Crew of MD80 failed to meet altitude crossing restr issued by ARTCC radar controller.
420202 Cpr jet flight crew descends below cleared altitude on approach in vps airspace.
420210 B727 crew advised that they did not adhere to speed restr in ZLA airspace.
420211 Pilot of an sel small aircraft failed to obtain tower clearance when entering the cla...
420212 Air carrier crew departs bfi below minimums after jump seat crew member convinces cap...
420214 PA28 pilot advises that single controller is distraction by working 3 position at bdr...
420215 B757 flight crew has trouble distinguishing VASI PAPI light colors at lga.
420216 C402 pilot comments on lack of low altitude radar coverage at busy airport in ZMP air...
420231 A B767 in climb diverted due to failure of the left internal drive generator unit. AP...
420249 Air carrier crew taxies onto runway behind departing DC9 at ccs.
420250 MD80 crew unable to make crossing restr descending into san.
420262 MD80 crew responds to TCASII RA after being cleared to altitude in conflict with othe...
420267 Reporter, after a momentary lapse of orientation while dealing with TCASII alert, was...
420270 Flight crew of a canadair regional jet CL65 had confusion over the clearance instruct...
420275 A B767 was directed to a narrow taxiway lined with temporary blue lights for taxi. Du...
420279 ATR42 crew advised by ATC that they departed without takeoff clearance at tlpc.
420280 ATR42 crew, distraction by cockpit procedure, overshot altitude on descent in tjcs ai...
420288 Flight crew of an MD82 took evasive action and descended and turned in response to ap...
420291 Company dispatcher alerts B757 flight crew that they are beyond 50 NM from land in ZH...
420295 An md super 80, while being guided on to a gate with a guide man and 2 wing walkers e...
420298 A B727-200 on takeoff climb at 1200 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to #2 e...
420299 A fokker 100 on approach at 4000 ft declared an emergency due to unable to extend the...
420300 Taxi confusion resolved while aircraft stopped prior to crossing an active runway.
420303 MD83 crew had stick shaker and stick pusher activate at 50 ft AGL.
420308 BE95 pilot lands gear up due to mechanical malfunction at ewn.
420310 A B727 large transport was dispatched and operated in overwater service with no life ...
420311 A B757-200 on approach at 4000 ft declared an emergency due to slat disagreement EICA...
420313 B757 and a B727 had their final approachs cross each other while on short final for r...
420320 A DC10-10 had a yaw damper rate gyro replaced and tested by a mechanic not CAT ii or ...
420321 A fokker 100 had a logbook write-up on a fluid leak and was worked by a contract mech...
420323 A B767 was returned to service with a #2 engine oil leak that required an engine chan...
420326 ARTCC controller at ZTL working the d-side could not recall if a handoff on a cpr jet...
420330 First officer of an medium large transport overshot assigned descent altitude resulti...
420333 B727 had jet blast from a departing B727.
420340 Captain of an light transport turboprop exceeded the flight time limit for 7 calendar...
420350 B757 crew had less than legal separation on climb out at tgu.
420354 C172 pilot and check pilot encountered icing problems at cruise and approach into msp...
420360 B757 returns to gate after discovering open logbook item at msp.
420372 Near midair collision. Private pilot of an sel small aircraft took evasive action by ...
420378 On climb out, PA28 pilot had smoke and heat in cockpit. Declared emergency on 2 takeo...
420382 B757 crew descended below 8000 ft at denay on approach to runway 24R at lax.
420388 Near midair collision between the reporter in an atx small aircraft turning final, an...
420390 Instructor pilot with a student does not hear hold short instructions from tower and ...
420393 Even though both aircraft were assigned a speed, center controller did not ensure sep...
420394 First officer of an air carrier medium large transport overshot assigned altitude dur...
420400 C210 pilot deviated from course and altitude.
420404 An MU2 freighter on final approach at 2100 ft declared an emergency due to the cockpi...
420413 B727 crew had wing flap fairing contact the runway during landing.
420414 ZDC radar controller incorrectly assigns an air carrier an altitude conflicting with ...
420420 BE36 pilot had altitude excursion.
420421 Tower controller report that a pilot of a beech baron BE58 called after landing and s...
420422 Air carrier turbojet experiences loss of main hydraulic system in ags airspace.
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