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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 1998, 777 total |
420918 A C172 training flight encounters an unexpected cloud deck in climb. The PIC gets ATC...
420919 Aircraft were remaining at lower flight levels due to turbulence. Reporter received s...
420920 Flight attendant report regarding a B767-300 flight on which a passenger became ill, ...
420925 B767 received a TCASII RA on an E120 while on approach for runway 25L at lax and a go...
420926 Flight crew of a B757-200 noticed a sel cessna taxi onto their runway and take off wh...
420927 Flight crew of a B727 made a visual approach to the wrong parallel runway. They caugh...
420928 Unknown air carrier aircraft and a DC9 had a TCASII RA at dtw.
420930 DC9 first officer flew a leg without his certificate or medical in his possession.
420933 ZOB controller issued descent clearance to the wrong aircraft.
420937 Embraer 145RJ crew experienced 'tail flutter' on descent from 8000 ft to 3000 ft at 2...
420938 Flight crew of a cpr mdt exceeded maximum speed when operating underneath class B air...
420940 First officer of a DC9 questions the legal status of making visual approach to an air...
420941 PA44 instructor pilot encounters radio failure diverting to alternate airport after s...
420942 EA30 crew had aircraft nicad battery thermal runaway. Flight crew exceeded 250 KTS be...
420944 VHF ground control transmitting frequency, for the south side of the airport only, di...
420945 Air carrier crew overshot cleared altitude on descent in ZKC airspace.
420950 Flight crew of a DC9-30 overshot altitude on descent due lack of autoplt altitude cap...
420960 Cap pilot on a check flight in a C182 inadvertently entered class B airspace by level...
420970 Approach controller claims an A320 crew descended on the ILS without a clearance and ...
420980 Private pilot of a C172 inadvertently crossed active runway during taxi to parking. H...
420981 Pilot of a hot air balloon struck power line wire during approach for landing. The li...
420985 B737 crew spilled coffee on the center console. The #2 VHF radio and navigation were ...
420986 A DC10-10 in cruise at FL310 declared an emergency and shut down #1 engine due to eng...
420987 CL60 crew deviates from cleared route in ZBW airspace.
420988 B737 crew descended based on ILS DME. The ILS DME was unreliable.
420989 Captain of an air carrier mdt reset the 'push button' for pressurization control valv...
420990 An MD83 was dispatched with a log item deferred improperly. Item had no name authoriz...
421000 A dornier 328 was operated with the incorrect calculated weight and balance paperwork...
421002 Captain of a B737 overshot hold line at runway due to it being blocked from sight by ...
421003 Flight crew of a B737-400 taxied from the ramp behind another company aircraft withou...
421010 At a non tower airport, private pilot of a mooney M20J made an immediate right turn a...
421013 Pilot of an small aircraft twin retracted the landing gear during landing roll instea...
421014 Near midair collision between a cessna citation 11 C550 climbing on a SID departure 3...
421020 Captain of a beech airliner 1900 BE02 failed to contact ground control after landing ...
421021 Flight crew of a canadair regional jet CL65 climbed in response to a GPWS alarm durin...
421022 SF34 crew was vectored below MVA by ATC.
421030 B757 crew did not fly the assigned heading for intercept of SID radial.
421039 Air carrier B727 issued 10000 ft on departure climb out. Controller misses incorrect ...
421044 An small transport twin flies over a populated area near ocean isle beach, sc (60J), ...
421045 Air carrier crew member cites cockpit disharmony at fra.
421046 B727 captain was not operating the aircraft in accordance with his air carrier operat...
421050 Air carrier pilot executes go around after miscalculating visual descent at rno.
421054 MD80 flight crew was required to make a 180 degree turn on runway due to aircraft wei...
421056 A B737-200 was released for service with the #1 engine overheat warning system deferr...
421060 BH06 news helicopter was in an area of police activity when a temporary flight restr ...
421061 An MD83, while taxiing out for takeoff on a snow covered taxiway, the aircraft nosewh...
421064 A DC8 freighter while being guided onto a gate struck an improperly parked belt loade...
421065 A beech BE36 turboprop landed gear up due to the landing gear failed to extend normal...
421069 PA25 and C305 had near midair collision while banner towing over a sports stadium.
421070 B727 crew overshot their assigned altitude by 600 ft.
421071 B757 crew began takeoff without being certain they had takeoff clearance.
421074 TRACON controller vectors PA44 into higher terrain, below the MVA.
421080 Small aircraft pilot accidentally entered sna class C airspace without clearance.
421082 DC10 had an near midair collision on departure from ord.
421084 B737 crew deviates from speed restr during climb in lax airspace.
421086 Aircraft being manufactured and ground tested within close proximity of departure end...
421091 Aircraft was provided very poor radar vectors to the ILS final during IFR conditions....
421096 AT42 flight crew notes confusing missed approach depiction on chart in mdcs airspace.
421100 B757 crew did not make a descent crossing restr.
421101 C177 pilot ran out of gas and landed on an interstate highway.
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