548901   Flight crew declares fuel emergency.
548902   Altitude excursion by C560 crew causes confliction with B737 at cruise altitude.
548905   After being threatened with an adverse employee action, captain of an large transport...
548915   ZID ARTCC controller coords with wrong controller for descent and aircraft enters ano...
548918   A B737-700 was dispatched in non compliance with door 2L emergency slide assembly ins...
548923   Opening the required sectors at the end of a mid shift at ZDV ARTCC was computer comm...
548925   An MD11 prior to pushback with the windshield heat on the first officer's windshield ...
548942   CL65 flap failure during final approach. Go around made to troubleshoot system and em...
548945   A PA30 pilot lost directional control during landing resulting going off the side of ...
548946   Gulfstream iv PF interpreted foreign altimeter setting as equal to inches of mercury ...
548948   Near midair collision reported by a GA aircraft when cut off in the traffic pattern o...
548951   Flight crew receives confusing taxi clearance.
548956   Cessna 172 flight instructor, with commercial pilot trainee, drops leaflets over resi...
548958   Cessna 177R prospective buyer pilot operates aircraft before discovering that there w...
548959   TCASII RA during localizer approach.
548967   Cabin crew behavior.
548970   GA pilot enters approach corridor.
548973   Air carrier PIC expresses concern with fatigue issues resulting from computer generat...
548980   An air carrier crew, taxiing for takeoff at nice, france (lfmn), were cleared to cros...
548989   Flight crew has runway incursion at svmi.
548994   ATC vectors an air carrier off the ILS localizer to bur to avoid a departing aircraft...
548997   Conflict between 2 aircraft occurred when controller sic at ZDV combines position dur...
549009   An air carrier captain feels pressure to accept an aircraft in non compliance with a ...
549015   Flight crew receives TCASII RA after receiving mco approach clearance to sfb runway 9...
549017   Near midair collision in the traffic pattern.
549018   Cessna 185 pilot believed that the controller cleared him to cross runway after holdi...
549023   B737-700 crew returned to the departure station because they were unable to retract t...
549025   C560XL flight crew mistakenly landed on, not only the wrong runway to which they had ...
549028   A C172 pilot, while maneuvering near mco, discovered his handheld GPS caused wet comp...
549032   Improper taxi procedures were reported by a B767 captain who stated that during his p...
549047   An MD80 crew, departing dfw, were unable to pressurize the aircraft. A return to dfw ...
549049   Pilot has runway excursion due to standing water and broken gear pin.
549051   PA31 pilot receives IFR clearance to maintain 3000 ft and to expect 9000 ft in 10 min...
549055   CTAF tower operating hours.
549112   An E135 crew, taxiing for takeoff at ewr, were confused as to where ramp control ende...
549113   A C150 pilot, in the pattern at smf, made an effort to expedite his arrival by shorte...
549116   A C560 crew, arriving ilg, landed on a closed runway.
549119   Runway incursion when 2 T28's, one with an engine problem, out of a formation flight ...
549124   B737 PIC expresses concern regarding fuel remaining required for a delayed departure ...
549159   B757 flight crew return to land after smoke smell from the galley.
549161   On a B747-400, during a routine overwater check, door 3L slide was inadvertently depl...
549162   Passenger misconduct.
549164   A falcom 2000 crew, departing ttn, experienced several air data related failures. It ...
549165   During taxi and push back, two air carriers stop prior to contact.
549168   A bell 222B was dispatched in non compliance with engine chip detector and transmissi...
549170   B757-200 crew had an engine that would not produce rated thrust in-flight at FL350.
549173   Near midair collision between a beech B350 super king air on base leg and a piper PA3...
549177   C172 pilot inadvertently ran out of fuel and made an emergency dead stick landing on ...
549184   A small aircraft pilot violated a tfr involving enhanced class B airspace.
549190   MD88 captain failed to stop prior to entering the active runway to which he was clear...
549210   B757 flight crew requested paramedics to meet aircraft to administer to an injured ca...
549218   A B737-300 is reported by an FAA safety inspector as having 3 dents in the horizontal...
549223   Beech 1900 captain believed that he heard his call sign cleared for takeoff and repea...
549231   DC10- crew found an MEL item which was incorrectly listed and was not cleared.
549235   C210 nose gear collapsed during landing after gear was manually pumped to the down po...
549243   On a B737-500 prior to departure an FAA safety inspector noted both engines left fan ...
549244   CL65 crew had an engine failure that resulted in a diversion to an inappropriate airp...
549252   Fokker 100 flight crew during final approach diverted to alternate due to thunderstor...
549255   Dhc-8 captain forgot to hold short per taxi instruction and was subsequently cleared ...
549262   A B737-500 was dispatched in non compliance with the incorrect GPWS computer installe...