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ASRS Reports for May 2002, 638 total |
509930 Ground conflict when a citation 550 PIC has a taxiway incursion occupied by a taxiing...
540467 Instructor and student are cleared taxi to orh runway 29. Taxi route not specified an...
540486 A TBM7 pilot, taxiing for takeoff at tpa, lined up with and started takeoff roll on t...
541140 DC9 first officer increases rate of climb in response to a TCASII RA during climb to ...
541539 B737 crew on inbound route to bwi have close encounter with VFR traffic in a holding ...
542244 Near midair collision between a PA28 climbing out on the downwind leg of an uncontrol...
545408 Traffic delay incurred for approaching B737-300 flight crew when assigned #2 behind B...
545560 An small aircraft pilot, taxiing for takeoff at ena, taxied onto the runway assuming ...
545936 Landing gear malfunction of a departing B767 that the crew was able to overcome so as...
545950 Partial loss of aircraft control and landing minimums violated when CFI and student p...
545951 B757 crew receive confusing instructions from phx approach controller while descendin...
545956 The failure of the overhead #2 leading edge device indicator lights was MEL'ed but th...
545958 Heading track deviation when approaching destination while B737-700 flight crew is us...
545967 A C172 training flight goes off the end of a short runway while CFI and student are p...
545971 ATCT hef local controller confuses a C172 IFR on a visual approach with another inbou...
545974 Flight crew aborts takeoff due to master caution light.
545975 Wrong runway landing, runway incursion when a BE36 ATP pilot lands on runway 28L vers...
545976 A heading track deviation occurs in a g-iii when the crew programs the landing runway...
545982 Final approach controller alleges approach to wrong runway 26 by a CL65 flight crew d...
545985 Runway incursion, landing without clearance at the wrong airport by a c-turbo 206 pri...
545986 A319 flight crew mistakenly taxied into position to hold causing another aircraft to ...
545989 Lax ground controller alerts local controller on departing runway 25R B767 deviating ...
546014 Beech baron 58 pilot declared an emergency and return land after smoke was seen comin...
546015 C172 private pilot lost control of the aircraft during landing resulting in the aircr...
546019 ZTL relates actions required to separate a carj from opposite direction traffic after...
546020 Turboprop captain misinterped descent clearance resulting in overshooting assigned in...
546022 A319 flight crew mistakenly taxied into position for takeoff causing tower to send an...
546026 C210 private instrument rated, while IMC, mistakenly tunes in the wrong tower frequen...
546053 An F900 captain, on approach to hou, neglected to turn as cleared, spawning an immedi...
546061 A B737 crew, on approach to sjc, commenced descent out of their assigned altitude bef...
546066 B757 flight crew experienced gear retract problem and subsequently left gear down, ma...
546067 Approach controller at roc vectors 2 aircraft head-on to each other resulting in an o...
546068 A B737-200 was dispatched in non compliance with the passenger oxygen pressure indica...
546069 A D328 crew, en route at FL270, experienced smoke in the cockpit.
546070 B737-300. ZAB controller notes that the aircraft was not proceeding to the cleared VO...
546071 B737 crew, in descent to bwi, undershot their assigned altitude, missing a crossing r...
546083 B737 pilot concerned gross weight takeoffs departing fll to the east can encounter an...
546084 ZFW controller questions FAA interpretation of general notice (genot) 2-21 dealing wi...
546085 Flight crew misunderstands clearance, taxies past hold short line. Aircraft on takeof...
546100 An small aircraft pilot, departing bna, in addition to turning on course, contrary to...
546102 Near midair collision between a C172 and a piper PA28 making practice approachs to tm...
546105 A canadair CL65 was reported by a flight crew on preflight check of binding elevators...
546106 A319 flight crew initiate takeoff abort when observing BE90 crossing the runway when ...
546138 ZJX controller advises of 2 host computer failures within a 24 hour period allegedly ...
546144 A B757 crew, on approach to phx, took evasive action to avoid traffic for the paralle...
546147 A B757-200 was dispatched in non compliance with the forward entry door escape slide ...
546153 A canadair CL65 rejected takeoff at 60 KTS due to loss of rudder nosewheel steering. ...
546155 Beech B36 pilot landed gear up. Traffic watch distraction him from completing the bef...
546160 Pilot of a piper cub takes off when another aircraft is still on the runway at a non ...
546164 B757-200 r-hand main gear drag brace came loose scraping the runway during landing ro...
546172 C172 pilot failed to stop for taxi clearance after passing a hold short line on the t...
546173 An MD80 in climb at FL260 diverted due to 'AC x-tie lockout' warning light, captain's...
546180 An light transport crew, after landing at azo, crossed an active runway without a cle...
546250 GLF5 crew avoided a thunderstorm cell by turning away. They tried to coordination the...
546257 B777-200 company supplied hand microphone was accidentally keyed by the first officer...
546258 B757-200 crew had a gear door light after gear retraction.
546259 DO328 crew had smoke and strong odor in the cockpit. Aircraft instrumentation began f...
546262 C208 pilot is accused of landing at an airport that was notamed closed.
546263 Aircraft navigation system became unreliable. Flight crew diverts to VFR airport.
546266 Aircraft navigation system failed. Flight crew involved in abnormal procedures trying...
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