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ASRS Reports for May 2002, 638 total |
548332 A B757-200, unable to maintain FL390 with a faulty EPR sensor, has to descend to FL35...
548338 A B737-700 was dispatched in non compliance with the incorrect water solution used to...
548348 A B757-200 was dispatched on an overwater flight from a maintenance station with a ch...
548349 An embraer 145 was dispatched in non compliance with 2 svcable oxygen canisters loade...
548357 An ill passenger fails to regain consciousness on an lax-ord bound B757 which is then...
548360 An MD80 was dispatched in non compliance with hazmat loaded in the forward cargo comp...
548365 B767-300 crew was informed by the eggx oceanic clearance delivery controller that the...
548370 Near midair collision during a night operation when 2 GA aircraft close towards each ...
548378 MD80 crew had a GPWS 'terrain' warning at 200 ft on the GS to runway 19 at dca. The W...
548389 A DC9-10 was dispatched in non compliance with #2 VOR RMI pointers inoperative on bot...
548390 Pilot enters MOA.
548399 B737-700 crew and small aircraft came nose to nose while the crew was exiting the run...
548401 An MD80 in cruise at FL350 experienced a very slow reduction in power from pt 77 mach...
548404 B737 captain did not have sufficient time to provide tower controller with a full rea...
548416 A DC10 after landing and during a turn experienced a brakes lock up at about 30 mph. ...
548419 Flight crew tunes wrong frequency during approach.
548420 A TCASII RA in the class B airspace near lga, ny.
548437 MD80 crew had smoke in the cabin departing bos in A90 class B airspace.
548443 MD80 crew had indications of an unlocked thrust reverser in ZNY class east airspace.
548446 HS25 flight crew attempts taxi to the wrong runway at elp.
548448 An MD80 crew, cruising at FL280, were informed by the cabin crew that a suspicious pa...
548454 A concerned airline captain questions how a security search was handled.
548455 C172 flight instructor, with student pilot, took control of aircraft during downwind ...
548460 Small aircraft private pilot unknowingly passed the hold short line during taxi out f...
548464 A B737 crew, on approach to runway 6 at kmth, observed a tower/towers which they beli...
548468 Flight crew receives TCASII RA during VFR approach.
548469 A B757-200 in cruise declared an emergency and diverted due to low hydraulic reservoi...
548470 An airline captain expresses concern over the complacency and neglect airline crews a...
548471 LNAV disconnect during STAR.
548478 An F100 crew, after being advised where to look by a passenger, retrieved a paint scr...
548497 Flight crew has runway incursion.
548502 PA-28 pilot taxied onto runway without clearance.
548509 Flight crew has altitude deviation.
548517 Cessna 337 pilot unknowingly took off without clearance.
548525 Student pilot has lost communications.
548530 An light transport crew, taxiing for takeoff at pie, taxied past the hold short line.
548534 A B737-800, during a modification to the #3 elevator balance panel and seal replaceme...
548536 A B757-200 was dispatched in non compliance with the L-1 entrance door snubber to low...
548540 B767-300 diverted to another airport for a passenger medical emergency.
548543 A B757-200 crew cleared into position at a runway intersection, observed another airc...
548556 A canadair cl-65 on climb out to FL240 diverted due to stabilizer trim caution, mach ...
548557 The right engine was changed on an MD80,per the carrier's job card. Work was accompli...
548559 B767 crew did not get an inoperative APU properly deferred per the MEL prior to depar...
548561 A C310 pilot, taxiing for takeoff at det, taxied past the hold short line.
548562 An H25B crew, departing las, experienced a loss of cabin pressure, spawning an emerge...
548566 An MD80 right engine was possibly replaced by unqualified technicians unaware of a 10...
548570 Fire in the lav of a B757 allegedly set by a passenger. The air freshener installed w...
548571 A B737-300 was dispatched in non compliance with autoland status after a first office...
548572 An LJ60 crew, taxiing for takeoff at luk, taxied past the hold short line for their d...
548585 An MD80 crew, descending into lga, undershot a STAR crossing restr.
548590 A B747-400 crew, taxiing for takeoff at sfo, strayed from taxiway centerline coming i...
548601 Piper PA28 wingtip hits hangar during taxi in due to a bizjet's landing lights blindi...
548605 C182RG pilot on IFR flight plan encountered icing and loss of contact with ARTCC.
548607 B737-300 crew had low 'a' system hydraulic fluid quantity indication.
548608 A near collision occurs between 2 VFR aircraft 8 mi south of wst, ri.
548609 B727 flight crew were turned off course heading for traffic separation. The ZAU contr...
548615 MD88 captain became complacent during taxi in and followed the route of another compa...
548623 DC10 crew appeared to have dragging or locked brakes after landing.
548632 Lj crew on visual approach to sfo passed traffic on final to the parallel runway they...
548634 A DC9-30 was dispatched in non compliance with the right engine oil filler cap not se...
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