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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2002, 638 total |
546607 ZID ARTCC radar controller climbed a B737-800 to FL190 that conflicted with an HS125 ...
546608 A very short takeoff roll during a night operation was aborted when the pilot of a C1...
546613 A taxiway and runway incursion occurred during a night operation when the crew of a B...
546617 Altitude change missed by the flight crew of a DC10-30 during a rerte over the northe...
546618 Potential conflict between a C414A and a crossing B737-400 with both flight crew's su...
546620 B727 flight crew requested vector out of severe thunderstorm WX during departure clim...
546622 A DC9-30 was dispatched in non compliance with #2 engine oil filler cap not secured.
546623 A320 captain forgot to activate the approach phase before activating the managed spee...
546630 Hs 125-800 captain experienced 2 airborne conflicts in the same relative geographical...
546635 B757 captain mistakenly started taxiing onto active runway after ground holding when ...
546640 Sfo ATCT radar coordinator reports success with amass equipment. Near runway incursio...
546651 Crew had a runway incursion on closed runway 24R at cle.
546653 An LJ35 crew departed sun without a taxi or takeoff clearance, assuming the tower was...
546656 Beech 33, debonair pilot did not see the runway hold short line on the airport ramp a...
546659 Piper PA22 sunk into a hole in the taxiway turf during taxi causing a broken propelle...
546660 A B777-200 captain reports to his company that the preferred routing from the gateway...
546666 During an instrument rating training flight, sfo class B was entered after approach c...
546673 S80 flight crew acknowledge clearance to taxi into position and hold at ord runway 4L...
546677 PA34 pilot had the nose gear collapse after landing.
546678 An MD80 crew, in cruise at FL290, were unable to control the cabin pressure, spawning...
546679 Taxi to wrong runway by DA20 flight crew at grb.
546680 Pilot becomes distraction and lands on wrong runway.
546683 An MD80 crew, in cruise at FL330 experienced a hydraulic pump failure. An emergency w...
546684 When unable to obtain deviation clearance from ZDC due to WX, B757 captain exercises ...
546690 Widebody transport captain inadvertently taxied across active runway without clearanc...
546713 Flight crew, during climb, encounters severe turbulence resulting in passenger injuri...
546716 Pilot becomes distraction during approach and fails to notice autothrottles are not e...
546717 A cessna 172 was operated for 10 hours in non compliance with the propeller spinner a...
546721 An medium large transport crew on approach to atl reduced to final approach speed to ...
546724 Cessna 208 cargo pilot mistakenly made the assigned DME arc on going around to the IL...
546730 A319 flight crew could not balance fuel within limits causing them to divert to anoth...
546732 A canadair CL65 in climb at FL300 declared an emergency and diverted due to locked ai...
546737 As a C172 pilot mistakenly taxied into position to hold on the runway, tower controll...
546739 DC9 flight crew are stopped before crossing an active runway during taxi out at dtw b...
546758 Small aircraft private twin pilot misreads preflight notes and incurs runway at micro...
546768 Piper PA28 pilot inadvertently taxied onto active runway during taxi in, resulting in...
546772 ZLA radar trainee and instructor observe an MD83 overshoot their assigned and acknowl...
546774 An medium large transport crew, departing lga, upon being issued a left turn, started...
546778 Radar local controller instructor encounters local controller communication failure w...
546787 During final approach, aircraft encounters heavy rain and hail. Windshear warning sou...
546788 Regional jet 200 flight crew turned to the wrong heading during initial climb due to ...
546799 Flight crew taxies past clearance limit under arriving aircraft.
546809 P51 pilot lost control on takeoff and went off the left side of the runway.
546817 B747-200 crew, during cruise, experienced a passenger medical emergency requiring a l...
546823 AC11 pilot lost aircraft control after entering IMC. Wake turbulence from bizjet traf...
546825 C441 pilot had a runway incursion at btr caused by passenger distraction.
546828 A B717-200 was dispatched in non compliance with a deferred aileron trim report per t...
546832 Phl approach controller working en route traffic lost separation when it conflicted w...
546834 A B737-400 on level off at FL350 declared an emergency and diverted due to excessive ...
546836 DC9 pilot almost had a runway incursion at dtw. Pilot suggests hold short lighting is...
546841 A B737-300 in cruise at FL310 declared an emergency due to APU fire warning. APU prev...
546846 A319 crew had a TCASII RA when they followed the controller clearance and did not int...
546850 While taxiing out for takeoff at dtw during a busy period, an air carrier pilot noted...
546852 LA25 pilot climbs through lax class B airspace without sct approach controller after ...
546854 C421 pilot had a runway incursion on runway 12R at hou.
546858 A B767-300 on takeoff climb at 1100 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to righ...
546859 ZAU ARTCC radar controller working combined position unable to maintain separation be...
546872 Reporter at P31 claims military facilities in the area are not forwarding local WX re...
546878 A piper 32r301 in cruise at 3500 declared an emergency and diverted due to loss of po...
546882 BE20 pilot on downwind leg at sdl had an near midair collision with a G4 reported by ...
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