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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2003, 721 total |
582516 System error occurs when traffic spacing is lost between two air carrier aircraft 102...
582521 Near midair collision between a VFR departure BE23 and a landing stearman at a non to...
582522 C172 departure from tan experienced confusion regarding IFR release time.
582527 B737 flight crew arrival at las is frustrated with ATC instructions that differed fro...
582538 An MD80 cabin attendant reports a diversion due to a loud popping sound around the ta...
582539 C152 pilot has an unstable approach and lands on a taxiway at cae.
582543 An ERJ145 flight crew temporarily lost aircraft control when the autoplt disengaged.
582550 Potential conflict and an unauthorized uncoord entry into class B airspace by a C182 ...
582554 Unauthorized coordination penetration of class B airspace by a C182 private pilot at ...
582555 Aircraft taxiing for departure at teb entered runway without ATC clearance.
582556 Altitude excursion occurs when an air carrier flight crew interprets a TA for traffic...
582557 A B757 flight attendant reported that a passenger had mixed pain medication with alco...
582562 A flight attendant reported to the captain of an MD80 that a passenger was smoking in...
582564 Altitude deviation by a cpr LR31 flight crew during an overshoot on the departure pro...
582565 An SF340 air carrier PIC indicates his confusion of how the unforeseen WX factors in ...
582566 T28 pilot is advised, upon landing at hef, of dc ADIZ violation. Pilot questions why ...
582569 Instructor pilot report regarding his student getting lost on his first solo cross co...
582570 C550 inbound to oak is unable to comply with issued crossing altitude.
582571 Aircraft inbound to mem experienced TCASII RA with parallel runway traffic.
582572 B757 cabin attendant administers medical assistance to ailing passenger.
582575 B747-200 captain was told by the air carrier chief pilot that he would be fired if he...
582577 A cessna 402C on maintenance test flight during the landing rollout the aircraft pull...
582578 C560 makes a go around inside FAF on NDB or GPS runway 5 app at mmu. Reporter states ...
582579 A CL65 flight crew was able to stabilize their approach in time for a safe approach a...
582580 IFR B190 inbound to iad is in disagreement with ATC regarding assigned heading.
582582 A canadair CL65 in initial climb at 6000 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to...
582592 En route altitude change overshot when first officer, PF, hears clearance to FL300 ve...
582598 Traffic saturated ZFW controller fails to coordination with act TRACON and did not no...
582599 CL65 flight departs station without the left engine reverser MEL added to the dispatc...
582604 B737 cabin crew observes passenger smoke in the aft lavatory. The smoke detector was ...
582616 DHC8 flight crew lands without a clearance at pdx.
582621 BE18 pilot lands bwi with navigation equipment malfunctions and low fuel status in IM...
582623 B757 departure from oak overshoots altitude crossing restr.
582624 BE18T flight crew overshoot their assigned altitude after departure from sli.
582625 Crj, on approach to cvg, speed reduction prompts questions from ATC.
582626 AC11 taxiing for departure at new entered runway without ATC clearance.
582627 ZMP controller experienced airspace deviation with IFR BL17 departure.
582628 A B737 flight crew feels that L30 TRACON issued them the wrong altitude.
582629 B727 departure from yyz received TCASII RA instruction leveling at FL280.
582630 C152 departure from ahn experienced stuck microphone for approximately 30 mins.
582631 BE36 taxiing for departure at sgj crossed runway hold lines.
582632 A cessna 152 at 2500 ft experienced a loss of engine power. Made an off field landing...
582636 A DC9-50 was dispatched in non compliance with the right engine oil filler cap not se...
582637 C172 pilot encounters strong xwinds during taxi and departs taxiway hitting tree and ...
582638 A B737-300 rejected takeoff at low speed due to takeoff warning sounding. Found incor...
582639 A flight crew fails to report the final approach fix inbound for landing as requested...
582642 In an apparent breakdown in coordination between mdw local controller and ground cont...
582645 A descending H25B flight crew experiences a TCASII TA on traffic in conflict when PIC...
582654 Intoxicated passenger removed from flight after taxi out disturbance with a return to...
582656 Passenger report form filled out after passenger debriefed about not being allowed to...
582659 ZID radar instructor experienced loss of separation during training session.
582665 An A320 flight crew gets into a low speed regime when the first officer fails to foll...
582669 An irate young passenger creates a scene over a seat assignment, taking it out on a w...
582676 B737 flight crew encounters a wet runway and hydroplanes into the overrun at the end ...
582680 Aa-1 pilot is confused with ATC's assertion that he entered class B near ewr.
582683 B737 received TCASII RA during ATC turn and descent instructions.
582685 MD88 on expedited climb to FL310 with a second MD88 descending on converging course t...
582687 2 C172 pilots have to obtain vectors and a no gyroscope approach after diverting to a...
582690 PA28 pilot had a clearance to enter dc ADIZ and a discrete transponder code. The pct ...
582698 CL65 flight crew inbound to dfw accepts frequency change for similar sounding aircraf...
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