37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2008, 641 total |
792675 B737-300 first officer reports inadvertent start switch activation during preflight a...
792678 An electrical burning smell in an A319's cabin occurred during start then dissipated....
792680 Small aircraft pilot landing at odo failed to obtain NOTAM indicating runway 20 close...
792681 EMB170 flight crew is dispatched with no alternate (none required); and after reroute...
792684 EMB135 captain reports request by maintenance to turn over aircraft to them without s...
792706 A319 flight crew reports strong odor and windshield anti-ice failure at FL360. Emerge...
792719 CRJ700 flight crew reports flaps fail caution message during descent and no flap land...
792737 A320 flight crew reports vent skin valve fault ECAM during takeoff roll and return fo...
792745 A B737 first officer was working a minor problem with local maintenance personnel by ...
792746 A mechanic and inspector report on forgetting to call their maintenance control to ve...
792754 Medium large transport at ric is surprised when told to hold short of runway 02 durin...
792761 Pc-12 pilot IFR at 17000 with ZDC was denied WX deviation request into restricted air...
792762 Instructor and student aboard C152 are upset on ground by strong; gusting cross winds...
792763 Distracted by new clrncs; workload associated with single engine taxi and a changed d...
792773 ZOB controller voiced concern regarding facility's failure to comply with internal ma...
792776 IFR C182 on circling approach from ILS 16R to runway 34L/right experienced conflict w...
792778 ZJX controller voiced concern regarding lack of traffic management initiatives during...
792796 Mechanic towing an MD80 into gate area strikes a truck. Only one wing walker used.
792798 A B737NG flight crew noticed left engine bleed pressure was low on taxi out. They tri...
792806 A B767-200 ingested a bird on approach. The flight crew rejected the next takeoff att...
792808 B737 flight crew overshoots runway 24R on approach to lax.
792809 A mechanic who had deferred; opened and collared the circuit breaker; placarded and l...
792812 A MD80 'left engine valve' light came on after takeoff. The first officer read the QR...
792830 B737 flight crew cleared direct 'tph' inserts 'tnp' in FMC causing track deviation.
792838 MD80 flight crew reports flow light at FL330. Emergency is declared after QRH provide...
792847 Apparently faulty engine start switch allows the left engine of B737-300 to motor whe...
792848 Inexperienced instrument rated private pilot gets more IFR time than anticipated afte...
792849 Passenger; also a qualified pilot; aboard C210 reports the PIC failed to extend the l...
792850 ZBW controller described operational deviation during sector decombination period cit...
792880 Following an emergency landing due to smoke of an unknown origin; faulty communicatio...
792881 Cabin and flight crews of B777-200 respond to a lav fire apparently started by a smok...
792895 B757 flight crew reports EPR failure at FL350 and return for over weight landing.
792910 An airbus A319 pilot reports the aircraft shaking violently immediately after full fl...
792916 LJ60 rejects takeoff when they receive a rt engine comp annunciator message.
792943 B737 flight crew reports failure to call lax for landing clearance but receives green...
792964 VFR small aircraft with N90 entered class B because of WX below and traffic gaining f...
792965 Pilot at 17500 ft reports encountering turbulence near lvm and inadvertently climbing...
792974 A gulfstream pilot reports exceeding the teb 5 2000 ft constraint after the 4.5 DME.
792975 Medical priority flight begins approach procedure prior to ATC clearance; priority ha...
792977 PA28 pilot reports power loss at 250 feet AGL on departure and immediate turn back to...
793025 An air carrier pilot describes a series of TCAS descend; climb; and monitor vs RA's i...
793034 A SF340 returned to land when they were unable to control high duct heat causing a hi...
793062 The DHC8 crew shut an engine down with a low oil press warning light. An emergency wa...
793064 An air carrier pilot reports his air carrier denied him compensatory rest following 1...
793074 A C182 check pilot reports his experienced student made a hard landing with minor air...
793077 A hawker (bae-125) pilot reports that his company says for operational necessities du...
793081 Pwk controller voiced concern regarding C90's initiated non standard pwk departure pr...
793130 A C172's alternator failed in flight resulting in a loss of electrical power and comm...
793137 A MD80 captain reports the aircraft was not loaded correctly resulting in a 'heavy no...
793142 MD80 arrival to sfo; with nct; accepted lda/prm clearance to runway 28R; discovering ...
793144 B767 with ZNY experienced TCAS RA; ZNY confirmed controller erred in issuing descent ...
793147 A pilot reports while climbing on a SID ATC requested they be at or above an altitude...
793159 A CRJ200 pilot on the kennedy 1 SID was told to intercept V16 after takeoff. The crew...
793162 An MD80 oil strainer clogging light illuminated in flight. As per the QRH; the engine...
793164 A B767 delayed for maintenance activities; had a slide deployed when ground service p...
793168 ZBW controller described pilot deviation/loss of separation; when flight crew descend...
793173 An air carrier pilot descending on the pdx bonvl five STAR was low at the rainr inter...
793176 A CRJ200's yaw dampers disengaged with full rt rudder application during taxi out. Th...
793179 Having missed the revised departure assignment; flight crew fly filed SID vice revise...
793186 A CRJ200 flight crew aborted the takeoff and returned to the gate because of insuffic...
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