190793   Poor vector causes unstabilized approach and missed approach.
190794   During departure from milan, line check airman misses altitude crossing restriction a...
190796   Flight crew of large transport overlooked speed restriction as noted on approach char...
190800   ATC confuses reporter with another aircraft and starts treating him as an IFR flight....
190813   Small aircraft X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error.
190819   Small aircraft loses alternator while in IMC. Continued flight depending on encounter...
190820   Company computer said that an aircraft manual revision newer than the one received wa...
190821   Small aircraft X landed on parallel taxiway. Pilot deviation. Taxiway looks like runw...
190822   Air carrier landing without clearance. Pilot deviation.
190823   Pilot did not tie down his cargo and was caught during an FAA ramp check.
190837   Thought cleared for takeoff but meant for aircraft holding on taxiway.
190840   VOR approach to offset runway 33 results in wing strike on go around.
190846   Tail of medium large transport hit jetway while making a hard right turn after gate d...
190851   Aircraft lost 1000 ft as if flew from high barometric pressure to an area where the p...
190856   While distraction by a TCASII TA flight crew climbs 600 ft beyond their assigned alti...
190857   Medium large transport flight had normal approach but landed short of displaced thres...
190865   Departure controller unauthorized uncoord penetration of airspace air carrier Y had l...
190870   Unsecured engine cowling opens in flight forcing aircraft to return land.
190871   Air carrier X had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System error. Air...
190872   Tension in cockpit. Altitude crossing restriction not met. Inaccurate flight plan fil...
190876   Air carrier landing without clearance.
190886   Pilot of small aircraft unable to communication with approach controller squawked 770...
190887   Pilot of small aircraft on VFR flight disoriented by proximity of storms landed at to...
190891   Approach to lax. Late change of runway. Late clearance to descend. Attempting to catc...
190896   Flight crew of medium large transport rushed on approach with too high speed and abov...
190898   Blown nose tire on landing caused aircraft to veer or yaw to edge of runway. Runway l...
190899   Small aircraft X unauthorized uncoord taxiway takeoff. Airshow poorly coordination.
190902   Pilot giving rides at airshow was advised by FAA representative he needed 100 by 100 ...
190906   Pilot in helicopter at 500 AGL in lax air traffic area and TCA in communication with ...
190914   During engine start of commuter, smoke from engine motivated aircraft passenger evacu...
190920   Air carrier landing without clearance.
190924   Medium large transport in parking process with marshaller and wing walkers hit wing t...
190949   Training flight fails to hold short of runway.
190964   Unauthorized runway entry by air carrier.
190965   Flight crew of medium large transport departing tus had TCASII RA on military aircraf...
190970   Pilot of small aircraft entered warning area in ADIZ. Airforce alerted.
190975   Air carrier landing without clearance.
190988   Pilot of small aircraft on approach to een abbreviated the approach without advise to...
190989   Air carrier X possible less than standard separation with air carrier Y after descent...
190991   Medium large transport parked at gate was hit by fuel truck. Wing tip damaged. Aircra...
190993   Flight crew of medium large transport cleared stadium visual to lax had TCASII distra...
190994   Pilot of small aircraft on VFR x-country flight became caught on top and night. Radar...
190996   Flight crew attempting adjust total passenger weight asked cabin attendant how many c...
191000   Air carrier medium large transport developed engine problem at cruise altitude. Check...
191001   Ms. Pilot of small aircraft on IFR clearance allegedly on wrong airway.
191006   Pilot of small aircraft approaching foe had near midair collision with another small ...
191007   Takeoff aborted on medium large transport account aft air stair warning light.
191012   Bur TRACON advised 24R approach at lax but lax controller wanted 25L.
191016   Flight crew of medium large transport at FL240 had TCASII RA intruder dead ahead 300 ...
191024   Ridge or hump in runway gave aircraft jolt on takeoff roll. Cabin attendant asked if ...
191028   Upon lift off and climb aircraft was nose up despite full trim down. Aircraft difficu...
191031   Flight crew of cpr mdt lost radio communication with approach. Saw traffic pass below...
191033   Unauthorized runway crossing by air carrier.
191035   Mdt aircraft in climb had left engine shut down.
191039   TCASII computer gave intruder warning and RA to climb, flight climbed, made a go arou...
191040   Reporter alleges ground personnel wrote off maintenance items without repairing those...
191041   Pilot of small aircraft broke out VFR called airport in sight and aligned for landing...
191042   Air carrier landing without clearance. Pilot deviation.
191052   Nose gear of medium large transport would not slow down and locked until recycled.
191054   Flight crew of widebody transport on approach to den allegedly taken out of traffic p...