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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 1999, 844 total |
442031 Flight attendant report, B767-300, scl-dfw, lost radar, divert to lima for maintenanc...
442038 BAE3200 hydraulic failure when gear handle placed to 'down' on arrival to syr.
442040 C500 flight crew departed from the GS on approach to sea.
442041 MD88 crew takes several unsuccessful attempts to follow ARTCC instructions given in n...
442042 GA pilot experiences communication radio failure, and enters deteriorating WX conditi...
442044 Reporter's aircraft X was told to maintain visual separation from aircraft Y. Reporte...
442046 Reporter states that aircraft X was descended to avoid NORDO aircraft Z and they forg...
442049 Medium large transport crew aborted takeoff because of landing traffic.
442050 B747-400 flight crew encounters turbulence and overshoots assigned altitude departure...
442051 B757 crew was issued excessive STAR changes on arrival to lax.
442056 MD80 crew had TCASII RA.
442059 MD80 crew had approach radar outage at dsm.
442070 Hot air balloon had on board fire while tethered to the ground.
442075 A B737-200 performs an evasive action climb when VFR traffic is too close for the ass...
442084 Closely spaced runways cause hold short markings to be placed -- they confuse DHC8 cr...
442093 Air carrier with ill passenger could not get aircraft to gate for deplaning due to in...
442095 Multiple flight attendant and pilot report, S80, dfw-tus, passenger refused to come o...
442102 MD80 crew did not coordinate pwrback with company ramp control.
442104 C210 pilot touch-and-go with gear up. Gear warning system inoperative. Second landing...
442110 New private pilot enters class B airspace without clearance. Was not carrying VFR ter...
442115 Hot air balloon struck flag pole on liftoff when released too soon by ground crew.
442116 CL65 crew had TCASII RA.
442119 B727 in class B airspace received and acted on TCASII RA to avoid traffic also in cla...
442120 Medium large transport crew lost communication with ATC.
442126 CL65 continues on erroneously programmed arrival to cvg.
442127 C152 pilot with low experience finds engine running rough. With ATC assistance divert...
442128 A B767-300 was dispatched in non compliance with an incorrect signoff on work accompl...
442130 PNF distraction by company radio. Altitude alerter not set. Aircraft descent below as...
442136 Crew set FMS incorrectly and failed to make crossing restr.
442150 DC10 crew aborted takeoff.
442158 MD88 flight crew descends below MVA approaching ags.
442161 Air carrier takes evasive action to avoid uncontrolled helicopters in class C airspac...
442162 Aircraft X was given a clearance by control 1 to climb above aircraft Y. Separation w...
442170 Flight crew responds to clearance intended for another aircraft approaching ind.
442173 A dornier 328 on taxi out declared an emergency and evacuate/evacuationed the aircraf...
442180 FK100 flight crew returns to gate at dtw after learning aircraft overweight for taxi.
442186 B737-300 mistakes clearance and taxies onto active runway at mco.
442200 A C152 CFI enters the traffic pattern at bcv, ak, from the wrong side and fails to pr...
442210 GA mooney pilot mishandles crosswind landing at gsh.
442211 Air carrier lined up for landing on wrong parallel runway after being given a change ...
442212 Cessna 310 pilot disagrees with controller over assigned altitude.
442219 Reporter states that aircraft X entered ZDV's airspace without prior coordination.
442220 An employee commuting for 4 yrs from ZZZ to abc has been using the company identify t...
442224 Reporter stated to avoid WX his aircraft X had completed deviating and was given a di...
442227 Cpr pilot encounters severe turbulence on approach to sbm and lands without clearance...
442228 A beech baron pilot had an unidented aircraft pass within 30 ft vertically and 100 ft...
442230 MD80 crew missed a crossing restr.
442240 A B737-200 was dispatched in non compliance with a ground spoiler repair made in conf...
442270 B737-500 with cargo door warning light returns to ewr for overweight landing.
442277 A B737-400 was dispatched in non compliance with the left fuel quantity indicator def...
442279 An airbus 320 on preflight inspection the first officer reported #1 engine oil quanti...
442280 B737-400 flight crew responds to TCASII RA while departing buf.
442290 S80 dfw pressurization problems on climb out returns to departure field.
442298 Large transport diverts to las with fuel emergency.
442300 An air carrier flight crew flying B757 into lax experiences confusion as to the clear...
442310 B727 high speed abort dfw.
442321 S80 altitude deviation dfw.
442323 An airbus 320 was dispatched in non compliance with open unanswered log reports, all ...
442327 A piper PA28 flight instructor and student entered a restr area without a clearance n...
442328 The airline dispatcher sent a charter flight takeoff data for incorrect runway at jan...
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